Friday, September 26, 2008

Alaska Attorney General Talis Colberg is suing to quash the subpoenas issued to investigate "Troopergate".

Colberg filed the complaint Thursday in Anchorage superior court, arguing the state Senate Judiciary Committee lacked authority to issue subpoenas demanding that potential witnesses testify in the investigation. He wants a judge to rule them invalid.

The attorney general's lawsuit against state lawmakers is the first time Palin's executive branch has brought the courts into its war with the legislative branch of government over the investigation. Now that Palin is the Republican nominee for vice president, the stakes are huge.

Palin's husband, Todd, and two state officials have refused to honor the subpoenas, leaving some state legislators suggesting jail time is a potential consequence. Colberg's suit is on behalf of seven other subpoenaed Palin administration officials who are supposed to testify today but won't.

Tanis Coldberg has attached his future to the rickety rocket of Sarah Palin's political career, and he is going to find his french fried ass crawling out of the crater formed when she crashes back to earth.

Palin's approval ratings are tanking and these "Palinistas" are going to see their careers damaged beyond repair by continuing to carry water for her and the insurgent McCain campaign.

And at this point all of this is simply a delaying tactic. Coldberg and the others are trying to kick the can down the road in the hopes that Sarah will be the next Vice President and will wave her VP magic wand and save all of their careers. But all indications show that they are living in a fantasy world.

The chairman of the Legislative Council, which authorized the investigation, said he wished Colberg had gone to court earlier if that was his plan.

"I'm relatively comfortable that I know how the court is going to rule. I think that the argument they can ignore subpoenas is specious," said the chairman, Juneau Democratic Sen. Kim Elton. "I'm just sorry that he's waited so long to do it because everyone knows that the clock is ticking."

That is not a clock ticking. That is the timer on a stack of dynamite that is about to detonate in our fair state and across the nation.


  1. You all need to write to John Dean- at, ( yes, that John Dean).....this is not legal for the State AG to interfere with the Proceedings as is- to DEFEND the Governor or investigations of her....Supoenas were already issued and signed by a Judge, what the AG is doing is called - OBSTRUCTION.

    ( I will forward this to Wapo)

  2. ok- the other person that might be able to help is Jonathon Turley ( he is on Countdown all the time) and his blog is linked to Zen Yenta ( just come to my blogroll and then go to his blog..)

    I have to go...will be back later...


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