Monday, September 22, 2008

Alaskans are asking for your help.

Please help us locate our Governor.

She has been taken prisoner by the John McCain Presidential campaign and they have left their operatives to run our state in her absence.

We have an investigation that requires her immediate attention, a gas pipeline deal with Canada that is not yet complete, and numerous rumors that we would like to have addressed.

So if you see Alaska Governor Sarah Palin could you please notify the proper authorities and have her delivered safely back home where she belongs?

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

(I must give a hat tip to my friend Celtic Diva for the use of this picture.)


  1. I hope this response isn't too "abrasive" for you and your readers, but what I'm hearing is, McCandy will be shaking her bon-bons at the United Nations today and tomorrow.

    Now, I know McCandy is a foreign policy x-pert. After all, she can see Russia from her front porch forcing her to close her drapes when does her yoga stretches in the living room or risk arousing an entire nation of horny, vodka-drenched Ruskies.

    I feel badly for the presidents of Colombia, Iraq, and Afghanistan, as they will be forced to listen to the bizarre voice of McCandy translated their their earphones.

  2. PUH-LEEZ! I'm a yoga teacher and there is no way that fundamentalist creationist Christian does yoga!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.