Friday, September 12, 2008

Alaskans everywhere bury their heads in shame. Sarah Palin makes my heart hurt.

This woman , this politician, this Vice Presidential nominee, is completely ill equipped for the job she is interviewing for.

Hell she is ill equipped to be Governor of my state of Alaska!

Hell she is ill equipped to be mayor of Wasilla, the white trash meth capitol of Alaska!

I sit here completely incapable of understanding how she got so far on so little talent.

Is it simply because she is photogenic? Because she is a woman? Just how did this creature get so close to such an important job?

As an Alaskan, and knowing that we have so many intelligent, informed people, in our state, I am just completely ashamed that this person has now become the face of Alaska in the eyes of the world. I never thought I would see anybody that was worse then Ted Stevens or Don Young when it came to representing Alaska. But I was wrong.


  1. again...not even equipped to drive the bus anywhere......dangerous..worse than Bush....

  2. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I think overall, McCain is to be blamed -- he was so desperate for someone to "energise" his sagging campaign image that he had to resort to picking a blood hungry fighting pit bull
    for a running mate.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Her problem is she does not know when to admit she does not know anything. She should have said “I dont know but I’ll find out soon enough. John McCain is not going to die tomorrow and I have time and intelligence to come up to speed quick.”

    Most likely a reflection of her character...

  4. Hell she is ill equipped to be mayor of Wasilla, the white trash meth capitol of Alaska!

    Is Wasilla the "meth capitol?"

    I've never been to Alaska so I'm clueless about it.

    If this is true, why didn't McCandy try to clean the place up???

  5. Good question Chris.

    But yeah it does have the highest incidence of Methamphetamine use in the state.

    Just another reason to allow her to be Vice President of our country.

    "Increased drug use for all!"

  6. She is a female Dan Quayle.

  7. I wholeheartly agree with you and I hope you will join my endeavors in trying to get Sarah Palin elected to Student Council President.

  8. I think a better comparison is dumber than George W. Bush...

  9. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Sarah really loses her cool when she's not reading mini versions of hetr convention speech. She gets flustered very easily, and gets almost combative with Charlie Gibson over the question of Pakistan. Yikes...was she always this confrontational? If she can't handle herself with Gibson, her head is going to explode in the VP debate with Biden...

  10. Anonymous5:38 PM

    She was "forced" on Mac ! He wanted
    Leiberman (a) , (b) Never -ever-
    did any of them think -she was going to cause the tsunami that
    picking her has brought about !

    Bottom Line is this - on Nov. 5th
    -IF- Mac & her are elected - then
    she won't have to think about going
    to 'War' with Russia - because she
    & Mac will be in ' Total War ' with
    the Congress ! The ' word ' is
    already out here in DC - that
    Nothing but Nothing will pass
    that comes from Mac & her !

    The Downside , is that the Country
    will suffer as a result ! 4 Years
    of ' Total Gridlock ' Hope / Pray
    that they don't get elected !

    And No - She's not "Presidential"
    -Timber- [pun intended] needless
    to say !Its -ALL- about getting to270 period.

  11. If you want to have your head spin around, you should spend a little time on some Republican websites and blogs. The ones I've seen recently are all about how well she did even though she was interviewed by that evil liberal Charlie Gibson. They also complain that he tried to trip her up by bringing up stuff like the Bush Doctrine.

    I swear, if someone came forward with pictures of her shooting up, roasting people over a spit and cavorting naked with goats, the Republicans would try to spin it as a good thing.

  12. republicans lie

    republicans justify

    palin isnt ready to shovel mooseshit

  13. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I just posted this comment elsewhere but it seemed to fit here better:
    One of the things I find so completely maddening about this whole thing is this: If Sarah Palin had a penis we would not be embroiled in this circus. If McCain, or Obama for that matter, had chosen a man with the same exact resume as Sarah Palin for their running mate they would have been laughed out of their conventions & vilified by the public, the media & the opposing party. She hsould be held to the same standard, no free passes.


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