Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bush does a drive by press conference and says absolutely nothing!

Was that it? Oh hell even Sarah Palin has more to say then that, and she does not say a damn thing! Bush got out from behind those camera so fast you would have thought he was afraid of sniper fire. Or possibly questions that he just cannot answer?

The President says he will cancel his plans today and work with his economic advisers to solve the problems facing our nation right now.

And I have just one thing to say to that.

"Don't touch anything!"

I mean my God haven't you done enough? This problem did not happen by itself, this administration did everything they could to MAKE it happen. Nothing you can do will make it any better!

I would just like to see George Bush sit in his office, fold his hands in front of him, and just wait until Barack Obama comes in to replace him. Then we will see some progress in solving this crisis, and the many other disasters, that have occurred during this mental midgets reign of terror.

1 comment:

  1. well least the fuckhead didn't tell us to go shopping ...or..

    remain vigiant...

    omg....somebody wake me when this is over....


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