Monday, September 22, 2008

Jury selection on the Ted Stevens corruption trial starts today.

The public corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens begins in Washington this week, with the senior Republican facing charges that he accepted and concealed more than $250,000 in gifts from an Anchorage-based oil services company that benefited from his work as a senator.

Federal prosecutors allege that, in a nearly eight-year scheme, the 84-year-old Sen. Stevens received several gifts and favors from VECO Corp., including major home renovations, sweetheart car deals, furniture, tools and a gas grill.

I know that if this trial were held in Anchorage, that Stevens would be much more likely to be found innocent. And that is bad. But part of me really wishes I could spend a little time watching this jury selection process. I think it would be a hoot!

But on a serious note I also wonder if this constant flying back and forth to fight this trial in Washington and campaigning in Alaska is not going to prove too taxing on Uncle Ted's 84 year old body. These are the kind of stresses that could hospitalize a thirty year old man, I am not at all confident that Stevens will weather it without any physical repercussions.

And as much as I want to see Stevens face justice I certainly do not want him to suffer a fatality.

He is, after all, our Uncle Ted.


  1. washinton it is not that long a flight back and forth to Seattle....the old geezer should do fine...

    and oh gee there is no fan club in Seattle for the Older than Dirt Senator...

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Hey Gryphen, you are missing a page. I get an RSS feed of your blog and a page for "" is not there anymore.
    Have you been censured?


  3. No I was not censured, that website went dead in less then an hour after I linked to it.

    I don't know what happened to them, but I simply deleted the post since it no longer made any sense.

    But thanks for your concern.


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