Monday, September 08, 2008

No wonder Ted Stevens likes being a Senator. People just give you stuff!

Of course then if you fail to report what you got on your financial disclosure form you might get sent to jail and spend the next several years holding tightly to the soap while showering.

Oh well there is a downside to everything.

But check out the cool stuff that Uncle Ted got for free!

During this same time period, the defendant also received other things of value from personal friends, which the defendant either omitted from his Financial Disclosure Forms, or misrepresented on his Financial Disclosure Forms. These things of value include the following: (1) a $2,695 massage chair from Person A, given to the defendant in 2001 and placed in defendant’s residence in Washington, D.C.; (2) a $3,200 hand-designed, hand-constructed stained glass window, built to specifications provided by the defendant and his spouse, but paid for by Person B and given to Stevens in 2001, neither were reported on his 2001 Financial Disclosure Form; and (3) a sled dog, valued at approximately $1,000, given to the defendant by Person B in 2003, which the defendant misrepresented on his 2003 Financial Disclosure Form as a $250 gift from an Alaskan nonprofit charitable organization.

A $2,695 massage chair! I want one of those! But I think he got totally ripped off on the colored glass window thing.

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