Monday, September 29, 2008

Sarah Palin dazzles town hall audience with her amazing encyclopedic understanding of energy. Just kidding! She said something stupid again.

I think that last part of the video was from the movie "Billy Madison".

Funny, but unnecessary to make the point about Palin's incessant prattling stupidity.


  1. You know, I spent quite a few of what I consider to me my formative years in Arkansas. I thought the ridiculous reckless stupidity was exclusive to Arkansas. You'd think I'd know better. Wow. Oh-don't give up on the medical records push...we deserve to know the truth in all of its sordid details. yuck.

  2. hey Gryphen-the next time you're in the PDX area, let's get a beer and some grub...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.