Tuesday, September 23, 2008

That new website examining the questions surrounding Sarah Palin's pregnancy is back up.

I promised that if it came back on line I would repost the link.

Just click the title to visit the "Who is Trig Palin's Mother?" blog.

I am confident that we will have the answer to that question soon.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thanks Gryphen. Some of the pictures are... thought provoking.

    The video of the "walk" is very telling... It's amazing how she went from slim and trim to "baby belly" in one month.


  2. Anonymous8:27 PM

    We haven't seen any pictures of Bristol or Levi lately, Bristol should be 6 months along by now according to the McCain campaign....maybe they are busy planning the wedding. Or maybe there will be a miscarriage right before the VP debate and Sarah won't be able to attend....

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Maybe you've come across this, but another REALLY thorough website on this topic:


  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Check out the Andrew Sullivan weblog



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.