Saturday, September 27, 2008

Who won last night's debate?

Well according to CNN, Obama did: Fifty-one percent of those polled thought Obama did the better job in Friday night's debate, while 38 percent said John McCain did better.

According to the online MSNBC poll, Obama won.

Newsweek thinks McCain won, but then goes on to say that it probably won't really matter.

CBS also thinks Obama won.

My take? Obama won the debate, but McCain did not do anywhere near as badly as I expected.

Obama dominated during the economic talk (and you know what that says about their next debate), and he was very confident and knowledgeable about the foreign policy questions. I really liked that he did not waffle at all about his opinions of the surge or his views about the Iraq war before it started.

But Obama was a bit too deferential to McCain. That damn politeness can be so frustrating when you want your candidate to kneecap the other guy, but I know that being polite and respectful is just part of Barack Obama's character. And that is a good thing to expect in your future President.

McCain did not get knocked out last night, and he did make a few points that I am sure will make his base happy.

It was a victory for Obama, but it was not a knock out. And he could really use a knock out the next time they meet.


  1. Good Morning_

    I agree, I think it was a victory for Barack, and my wife and I think McCain looked old, unsure, somewhat confused, contemptuous, and completely out of touch with reality. I did have a little bit to drink last night, and when I saw the wives get on stage I thougt Cindy McCain looked like an overprivaledged overdone super bleached barbie doll. The type of person I didn't like in High School; fake as hell. Michelle on the other hand, looked real, classy and put together, as well as gorgeous.
    I agree with you-Obama needs a knockout, because, incredibly, this country is so dumbed down that McCain still might win. Ya know, Bill Maher just might be right about the stupidity of the people of the United States...Peace-

  2. Thanks for slogging through the results so I don't have to!! Great post. I agree with Mike but also I felt a bit let down as I thought Obama would totally trounce McLame. Then I thought about it & realized that Obama just stayed classy. If he let loose he would have just appeared to be picking on an old man.

    McLame came off as a cranky, belligerant egomaniac. But then again, I already hate the guy.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I don't know why you thought Obama would trounce him - McCain is a good debater. I think Obama won this though, because people are looking for a reason to vote FOR him, not for one to vote against him. He will have looked Presidential to them last night, I think.

    And - McCain came off as so nasty, and just so contemptous and unlikable, that I think that's going to hurt him more than any gaffe could have.

    Do people really want a cranky old nasty bastard in the white house? You know what, not this year. Anyway, that's what I think. Of course, I didn't think anyone would vote for W in 2000, so what do I know?

  4. he was cranky and condescending.

    watch him look at obama 75x during the next debate

  5. Exactly, Dcap! I bet they attempt ot have gramps nice 'n' trained for the next one. Of course, that'll probably make it more of a disaster because any attempt to rain in grumpy gramps results in a temper tantrum.


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