Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wow John McCain is kind of a dick!

Apparently this is from an editorial board of the Des Moines Register. When confronted with his lies, watch how McCain just gets more combative and pissed off.

So the Republican ticket is comprised of the asshole and the airhead. How proud the Grand Old Party must be right now.

I have to imagine that Abraham Lincoln is spinning in his grave like crazy right about now.


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    100% Absolute Truth? I thought there's only been one person in history that is claimed to have never lied. Until, that is, the Second Comming of Sarah Palin. Will the real Jesus please stand up!

  2. aack, they took it down! See you tomorrow at the "storming the castle" party!

  3. There are literally hundreds of words to use that describe McCain without equating something negative with the male sex organ.

    Just saying.

  4. Fixed it.

    And Christopher just so you know I often refer to men who I consider pathetic or lacking in moral fiber as "pussies", but in no way am I making a disparaging comparison to that most blessed female organ either.

    I am just a blogger with a limited vocabulary who really likes the way some naughty words sound.

    So stop being such a dick. LOL!

  5. Anonymous2:35 PM

    for sure guy - you are being a
    'Dick' ! -seriously- yesterday
    he went off on another blogger
    -Watergate Summer- !

    and for the record McCain is being
    -another- 'Dickhead ' just like
    you - above and yesterday in the
    other blog ! get a grip and CHILL !
    life's too short -enjoy- !


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.