Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate over, Obama won! What, too wordy?

Wow! Could John McCain have been any creepier?

And Obama was fearless!

He answered EVERYONE of McCain's, and totally ate his lunch for him.

But the star of the debate? Why that was Joe the Plumber.

I hope Joe the Plumber's vote is the only one that John McCain wants, because that is the only one he earned with THAT debate performance!


  1. don't underestimate the power of joe the plumber - McCain is going to run with this becuase every new reporter in a 100 miles is at Joe's doorstep - and he says on tape: he will vote for McCain, because he doesn't want to be taxed by Obama just because he got too successful

    Taking one bit of the tax plan out of context, can be spun to scare folks

    Hopefully Obama can get some finance folks in there and show Joe how he won't be hurt but the tax plan - such as pointing out the tax break he will get to offer health care benefits to his workers

    however, Obama won hands down.

    McCains mocking "air quotes" about women's health was disgusting

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Reminiscent of the Kennedy/Nixon debate. Young, calm, photogenic vs, old, agitated, pale and reptilian.

    Hope vs. Same old, same old.

    10 year vision for the future vs. paddling to stay afloat.

    Eloquent vs. angry

  3. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Turns out Joe the plumber doesn't make $250K per year, had had a tax lien filed against him, and is related to Charles Keating...check out Huff Post.


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