Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jon Stewart and the Daily Show take the "real America" comments by Sarah Palin very, very personally. And Jason Jones returns to Wasilla.

Are you a "real American"? Perhaps you better take the quiz.

Now that they have made their case about how ridiculous the Right Wing comments about patriotism have been, the Daily Show turns its attention to Sarah Palin's small town Wasilla, Alaska.

Run Wasilla, Run!

Oh damn!

Seriously that was brutal! I am guessing that those who have cable in Wasilla are going to wake up feeling very violated this morning.

After last night I am guessing the whole town of Wasilla may feel the need for a rape kit. And of course since this is Wasilla, they will have to pay for it themselves. And that boys and girls is a little thing we call "Karma".


  1. All I see are grey boxes where the clips should be. Anybody else?

  2. They are playing fine for me with both Firefox and Internet Explorer.

  3. They are showing up and playing fine for me now. *confused*


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.