Sunday, October 19, 2008

New York Times will publish a major expose on the health of the Presidential candidates. This will surely prove even more bad news for John McCain.

The New York Times will break new ground on the health of the presidential candidates and their running mates in a major expose set to be published in Monday's print edition.

Much of the speculation centers on new questions about the status of John McCain's cancer raised by the story. The Washington Post reported last week that a growing number of doctors believe that McCain's melanoma is "more advanced than his physicians concluded and that the chance of recurrence is consequently higher."

But another peculiar facet of the Times story involves the McCain campaign's refusal, as of this weekend, to turn over Sarah Palin's medical information.

Both Barack Obama and Joe Biden reportedly provided documentation to the Times.

Oh you know I am going to be reading this article the minute it comes out.

There have been numerous discussions online for many months about the possibility that McCain's health is much worse then we have been led to believe.

But of course the more interesting part for Alaskans is the explanation given for why the seemingly healthy Sarah Palin has also refused to cooperate with the Times.

What does she have to hide?

I bet you all know what I think now don't you?


  1. This is just way too delicious!! How great is it that the NYT lays Palin's medical records square on the table. What possible excuse could they use the justify not complying. DEEEElicious.

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I think McCain has not been providing his medical records as a way to also hold back Palin's records. It would look awful funny if the 72 year old candidate released his records, knowing he has cancer issues, but NOT the records of the 44 year old (who says she runs and is in good shape) running mate.

    So, by holding back both records, McCain can conceal Palin's records (and ~things~ she doesn't want disclosed) too.

    And some of us are only concerned with incidences that occurred six months ago....


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