Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rachel Maddow invites Neo-con mouthpiece David Frum onto her show and he acts like a total dick!

This pissed me off.

It pissed me off so much, that I actually complained by phone to both Celtic Diva and Watergate Summer's Enigma. I don't usually get that upset by the garbage that spills from the mouths of these Republican asswipes, but Frum stepped over the fucking line.

I have mentioned before how much Rachel Maddow is adored by Alaskan bloggers, mainly because of her tireless efforts to get the information out about Troopergate, but also because she is all kinds of awesome in our book. And we have kind of adopted her as our favorite cable host.

So to see her treated that way, is very upsetting to us.

Rachel has the balls to openly invite ANYBODY from the Right Wing to come on and have an intelligent, reasonable conversation with her. And this is not like when Bill O'Reilly invites somebody on just to humiliate them or bully them. No Rachel actually wishes to CONVERSE with them, as she demonstrated when she had McCain spokesperson Nancy Pfotenhauer on last week. Rachel did not attack nor disrespect Ms. Pfotenhauer, and I imagine she will make more appearances in the future.

Rachel Maddow is NOT contributing to the nasty rhetoric being thrown around in this campaign cycle. She is actually doing a great service to our country by showing Americans what is really happening out there, and who is responsible for it. And she does so with an intelligent sense of humor that NO Republican could mimic unless they yanked that giant stick out of their puckered rectums first.

David Frum disrespected Rachel after she was gracious enough to give him a forum in which to speak. He could have disagreed with her and not been an asshole about it. In my opinion the guy should not be allowed back on ANY more television shows until he can prove he has been effectively housebroken.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    hey Gryphen, this video is of Wayne Barrett who did the cover story on the Village Voice, "Mavericks My Ass", not of David Frum.

  2. I hate to disagree with you but I just watched it again, and that is definitely David Frum. And he is DEFINITELY being an asswipe.

  3. I watched it last night (and yes, you have the right link there) and agree that he was a total ass. But, Rachel handled him very well - changed her direction quite seamlessly without getting flustered and confirmed clearly to anyone watching that he is truly an ass.

  4. What is going to make RAchel a huge star is her ability to converse with ANYONE no matter how vile or rude. She came out classy, and owned his stupid ass.

    Gryphen - I also rushed to complain to Enigma!! LOL!!

  5. "it's not an important question" what a dick.

  6. McCain transition chief linked to Hussein.

    More republicans come out against McCain and Palin.

    CNN was covering Palin's association with AIP

    *checks calendar* it just might be xmas morning! **starts to get a bit giddy**

  7. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Frum is a Bill Kristol wannabe. Neither one has got one dam thing right since being a pin head, except finally, to concede that McCain is going to lose.

    Frum is the master of making accusations with never a shred of evidence to back it up.

    Rachel wasn't going to take his shit, and fed it back to him.

  8. total asshole...and Rachel handled him really well..
    he came off looking like a Rovian Bully...she is amazing...she knows how to speak to Everybody..she is so smart, ....wise even...

    ( I watched it twice last night...and was stunned that he probally speaks like that all the time,....does not even know that he is rude anymore...)


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