Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rachel Maddow talks to Walt Monegan about Branchflower Report.

If you listen carefully you can hear Monegan's genuine struggle with his feelings about how all of this played out. He is at his heart, a good soldier. He feels he did his job correctly and is still clearly stung by how he was treated.

He also still believes that the main, if not only reason, he was fired was because he would not fire Palin's ex-brother in law. And on that subject I agree more with him then I do the findings of the Branchflower Report.

Rachel does an amazing job of getting the truth out there for everybody to see.

Have I mentioned how much we love her?


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Ok, My wife and I are so confused. All over the news this weekend: Palin is guilty on abusing her powers...But...That was not the only reason for her firing...She was right to fire him?
    I am confused and I think Monegan should have come out stronger in his side of the story. I felt he was too quiet or soft regarding why she fired him.
    Now..Interview with Rachel he should have said this on tv all this time.
    Can someone explain this to me? Because it seems to me Palin is looking rosey in the public eye.
    She is disgusting and disturbing. Her remarks linking Obama and terrorist was the last straw.
    I would have more respect for McCain if he would kick her off the ticket and replaced her with Guilani or Rommey.

  2. I love Rachel too. And I guess I am still confused though, some folks said Palin broke the law and others say she didn't? Which is it?

    GREAT work, Gryphen.

  3. In firing Walt Monegan, Palin did not break the law since she could do so at her discretion.

    But she did break the ethics law by using her office and allowing her husband to use her office, to pursue a personal vendetta.

    Does that help?

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    You can't make this stuff up!!!!!

    TIME - What the Troopergate Report Really Says

    The report also raises the suggestion that the final incident that led to Monegan's firing was perhaps the most (unintentionally) hilarious part of the whole saga. In the run-up to Alaska's 2008 Police Memorial Day event, Monegan visited Palin in Anchorage and brought along an official portrait of a state trooper in uniform, saluting in front of the police memorial in Anchorage, for Palin to sign and present at the event. The trooper? Mike Wooten.

    Palin signed the photo and didn't say anything, according to Monegan's testimony, but later cancelled her attendance at the event, sending Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell in her place. The head of her Anchorage office followed up with a call to Monegan berating him for his insensitivity. (Monegan swears he didn't know it was Wooten in the picture, and that he didn't even know what Wooten looked like.),8599,1849399-2,00.html

  5. yes, ethics violations so often go unnoticed and unremarked...Rachel kicks major A!


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