Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Results of our poll "What should Alaskans do when Sarah Palin returns to our state?"

So the results of the poll were as follows:

"Welcome her with open arms and thank her for bringing so much attention to our state". 25 votes,

"Start a recall petition". 134 votes.

"Pressure our legislators to impeach her". 114 votes.

"Let her finish out her term and then vote her out in the next election". 63 votes.

I do believe that based on this poll, as well as those on numerous other Alaska blogs, we have ourselves a mandate.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Tracey Schmitt of the McCain/Palin campaign said that her clothes (you know the $150,000 wardrobe) were "always intended to go to a charitable cause after the campaign". Let's make sure that happens! What, are they going to donate them to a place where the unemployed can pick up a free suit for a job interview? Might not get hired if you show up in an $8000 suit!!

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Seriously though, whatever news oultets u have up there should do a real poll representing all types of alaskans, rather than just the late-night liberal blog reading alaskans. Im SOOOOOO curious as to what her approval rating is now with you guys. from watching the daily show, it seems like Wasilla is made up of a bunch of ignorant retards, but there has to be something more up there.

    Gryph, can you give your honest assessment as to the chances of a recall election or impeachment happening. At first i felt sorry for the woman, thinking she was just a pawn in a bigger game than her simple mind could imagine, now i simply hate the bitch, and want to watch her crash and burn.

  3. ahhhh gee...only 25 people were feeling the love..gee that is too bad...



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