Monday, October 06, 2008

Rolling Stone deconstructs John McCain.

The article is ten pages long and filled with facts that I certainly was not aware of.

But there are two paragraphs that I think might be the most enlightening:

In its broad strokes, McCain's life story is oddly similar to that of the current occupant of the White House. John Sidney McCain III and George Walker Bush both represent the third generation of American dynasties. Both were born into positions of privilege against which they rebelled into mediocrity. Both developed an uncanny social intelligence that allowed them to skate by with a minimum of mental exertion. Both struggled with booze and loutish behavior. At each step, with the aid of their fathers' powerful friends, both failed upward. And both shed their skins as Episcopalian members of the Washington elite to build political careers as self-styled, ranch-inhabiting Westerners who pray to Jesus in their wives' evangelical churches.

And this one:

In his current campaign, however, McCain has become the kind of politician he ran against in 2000. He has embraced those he once denounced as "agents of intolerance," promised more drilling and deeper tax cuts, even compromised his vaunted opposition to torture. Intent on winning the presidency at all costs, he has reassembled the very team that so viciously smeared him and his family eight years ago, selecting as his running mate a born-again moose hunter whose only qualification for office is her ability to electrify Rove's base. And he has engaged in a "practice of politics" so deceptive that even Rove himself has denounced it, saying that the outright lies in McCain's campaign ads go "too far" and fail the "truth test."


  1. Thank you for slogging thru that for the rest of us. I couldn't take it (at least yet, I figure I'm gonna have to, or should).

    VERY good paragraphs you chose to highlight and oh so true.

    Great post!!!

  2. there's an interesting article in the last two issues of The Nation - McCain's record on POW/MIA legislation, making information available for families. it's sad. a quite pathetic for someone who says he's always been an advocate for veterans. well, those that made it home, anyway.


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