Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sarah Palin admits she is an alcoholic!

Okay she did not really admit she was an alcoholic.

She simply attempted to categorize herself as somebody who is a "Joe six pack" type of person. Nobody gets labeled a "Joe six pack" for drinking ONE beer. Oh no. "Joe six pack" is a description of somebody who drinks at least SIX beers in a sitting.

And to earn this sobriquet you don't just do this once in a blue moon, you do this all of the damn time!

And if you "do this all of the damn time" what does that make you? An alcoholic.

Anybody disagree with that definition? Of course not, it is all logic-like and everything.

Now do I REALLY think Sarah Palin is an alcoholic? Of course not.

She just called herself "Joe six pack" in a desperate attempt to paint herself as an everyday person who represents the beliefs and values of the average American. But that is a load of bullshit!

Unless the "average American" is a fundamentalist, creation teaching, power hungry whackjob then the only person she represents is herself.

I actually doubt very seriously that Sarah Palin even drinks alcohol. How could mere alcohol compete with the incredible intoxication that power and the abuse of that power provides?

But we are catching on to the obscene mischaracterizations of Governor Sarah Palin by the McCain/Palin campaign and the MSM. Even in Alaska, where she bribed every man woman and child with a $1,200 dollar check, her numbers are slipping.


  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Palin calling Katie Couric and Charles Gibson "unethical"

    Asked Tuesday by radio host Hugh Hewitt if she agreed that interviews with ABC's Charles Gibson and CBS' Couric were designed to embarrass her, Palin replied: "Well, I have a degree in journalism also, so it surprises me that so much has changed since I received my education in journalistic ethics all those years ago."

  2. She did go to a Pub to watch McInsane's Debate- I thought that was really strange since they are trying to school her- she goes and watches the debate from a THAT presidential ?????

    Obama 49
    McCain 40....
    CBS poll tonight...


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