Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sarah Palin finds that "drill baby, drill" line will not work on everybody. Workers in a solar power plant for instance? Not so much.

Palin spoke after touring Xunlight Corp., one of a handful of solar technology startup companies in Toledo, a struggling industrial city in this swing state. The city's leaders are hoping that the solar companies will create jobs to replace some of those lost by downsizing in the auto industry.

But Palin made only a passing reference to solar power in her speech and instead renewed her call for more drilling in U.S. coastal waters. She repeated her signature anthem, "drill, baby, drill," which seemed to fall a bit flat on the audience at the plant even as it's become a popular chant at her rallies.

This is the danger of going rogue and not paying attention to the campaign handlers who are there to make sure you don't say anything stupid. If you don't listen to them you are guaranteed to say something stupid!

When I heard that the Sarah supporters were demanding that the McCain campaign let her speak for herself , and to "let Sarah, be Sarah", I was absolutely giddy with excitement.

You see I KNOW who Sarah Palin is. And now the rest of the country can see for themselves that despite $150,000 in new clothes, constant cramming for policy questions, and a high priced make up lady from "Dancing with the Stars", Palin is just an ignorant hick from Wasilla who is in way over her bouffant hairdo.

She is a mannequin. A prop. A distraction. She was never supposed to do more than provide window dressing, and she may be unqualified to do even that!

And in a little more than five days, we are going to get her back.

And I for one can hardly wait!


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Cheering for the Phillies's in in Erie, Pa. also was not one of her more astute moments.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Maybe she better just save that line for Todd, I think they're going to have lots of together time after November 4th...

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    This blog is awesome! Bravo for you and all your constituents.

    Thank you for telling it like it is!!!

    Way to Go!!!


  4. Gryphen, you're gonna love this:

  5. Thanks for your kind comments Sage. Tell you friends!

    Lynne, I loved it!

  6. Much like the "go Phillies" comment in Pittsburgh Pirates country, this just shows that she is unable to think on her own, and doesn't really care about the people she is addressing. Here in the South, people are bowing down to her. It makes me want to scream.


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