Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Walt Monegan would like his good name back thank you very much.

Gov. Sarah Palin's former public safety commissioner says the governor smeared him and he wants a hearing to clear his name.

Walt Monegan on Monday asked the state personnel board to allow him a chance to disprove the vice presidential nominee's assertion he was a "rogue" and insubordinate commissioner. The board is investigating Palin's July dismissal of Monegan.

"Governor Palin's public statements accusing Mr. Monegan of serious misconduct were untrue and they have stigmatized his good name, severely damaged -- and continue to damage -- his reputation, and impaired his ability to pursue future professional employment in law enforcement and related fields," said the hearing request filed by Monegan's lawyer, Jeff Feldman.

Who can blame Mr. Monegan for wanting to clear his name, after it was dragged through the mud to hide the real reason that Palin fired him?

Before this incident there was probably not a more ethical public service in all of Alaska then Walt Monegan, and then this honorable man ws forced to defend himself while Governor Palin, and the John McCain campaign slandered him up one side and down the other.

The very least he deserves is to have his good name back.

He also deserves an apology. He deserves an apology form Sarah Palin for lying about why she fired him. He deserves an apology from Palin mouthpiece Meg Stapleton for calling him a "rogue", with all that definition implies. And he deserves an apology from any Alaskans who failed to stand up to the lies that spilled forth from Sarah Palin and her minions about him.

We knew better, and yet many of us accepted the lies as truth simply because they came from our once popular Governor. All who fell for that load of garbage about such a decent man should be ashamed of themselves!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Maybe Walt should sue Sarah for defamation.
    Maybe the people of Alaska should impeach Sarah for her unethical actions in "Troopergate"," fake baby gate", and " who built the house gate".
    Maybe Walt would get their house that Todd and his "contractor buddies" built.
    Maybe Sarah would be out on the streets without her fabulous healthcare plan that the people of Alaska pay for.
    Maybe Sarah would be raped living out on the street.
    Maybe Sarah would have to come up with the $500-$1200 to pay for her rape kit.
    Maybe Sarah would get pregnant again and being as pro-life as she is, she would have baby #5 because nobody believes she actually gave birth to Trig.
    Maybe Sarah would have to pay for the birth of the new baby like the overwhelming majority of Americans without healthcare.
    Then maybe Sarah would reconsider her politics.


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