Saturday, November 22, 2008

Barack Obama Outlines Job Creation Plan

There are some progressives who are already panicking about every new cabinet position made, or the idea that Obama will not get us out of Iraq as quickly as they want, or that he is picking his staff from left over Clinton staffers. But to those people I want to say, the man has not even been sworn in as President yet! Chill the f**k out!

I mean do you start booing the new pitcher before he even has a chance to walk to the pitching mound? Let's give this man a chance.

Barack Obama has probably done more in this TWO AND A HALF WEEKS since election night then any other President-elect in history! He is doing as much as he can while preparing to take on possibly the most difficult Presidential term since Harry Truman took the job in the middle of a world war.

I see no signs that Obama is going to disappoint the majority of the people who voted for him. Some of his cabinet picks have already had a pretty substantial positive impact. And as for the others, let's at least watch them to pitch their first game before we start throwing garbage on the field.


  1. YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I am very confident that President-Elect Obama is going to make good decisions and that people should stop second-guessing his cabinet picks. For the first time in recent history I actually trust the judgment of a president!

    I think today's video address was great and gave us a lot of hope that he will be able to fix the mess we're in.

  2. I have to say Maugirl, I am liking this hope thing.

    I mean I read about it in books, but until recently I thought it was only an urban legend.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hell, I don't expect to agree with everything Obama does - I already disagreed with his FISA vote.
    But he has demonstrated that he makes no decisions lightly, and thinks things through before he acts.
    It's going to be refreshing to have a President who is the smartest person in the room.


  4. Hear, hear PackyJ!


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