Friday, November 28, 2008

Joe Lieberman donated campaign funds to Republicans battling Democrats for Senate seats.

When Democrats gathered last week to decide the fate of Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), a pair of senators-elect, Tom Udall of New Mexico and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, stepped up to offer symbolically important speeches.

Lieberman's support of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for the presidency was well known, punctuated by his nationally televised speech at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul criticizing Obama as not prepared to be president. His endorsement of Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who has served as the top Republican beside him at the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, also was well known in Democratic circles.

But not even Merkley knew of Lieberman's backing of Smith in their critical Senate race, until Capitol Briefing alerted his staff today.

"We were surprised to hear this news, but it's time to put the election behind us. Jeff Merkley is looking forward to working with all his new colleagues on an agenda that will put our nation back on track," said Julie Edwards, spokeswoman for Merkley.

Lieberman's support of Smith came the same weekend he wrote an op-ed in the St. Paul Pioneer Press defending Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) for his work as chairman of an investigative subcommittee on Lieberman's homeland security committee. The same day he wrote a check to Smith, Lieberman's ROC PAC gave $5,000 to Rep. Peter King, the Long Island Republican. In radio and TV appearances the final days of the campaign, Lieberman also frequently said that a Democratic majority of 60 votes, a filibuster-proof level, would be a bad thing.

Jesus Christ!  How much longer are Democrats going to keep turning the other cheek?

Don't we only have the two cheeks?  After that it is time to sack up and knock our assailant on his ass!

Joe Lieberman has done everything but take a piss on a donkey to symbolize his disdain for the Democrats.  Why haven't the Dems boxed his big floppy ears for him?

You know I remained an Independent for most of my life, BECAUSE the Democrats seemed like pussies to me.  I supported almost all of their policies, but I just could not make myself join a team that did not know how to throw a punch.

In 2004 I changed my political identity to Democrat because they seemed like our only hope of stopping George Bush.  And of course they failed.

But I stuck with them, starting this blog and trying to help fill the empty scrotum of the Democrats with my anger and outrage.  And after a while it seemed that we were really starting to "man up".   And this year we actually won!

But now when we have every reason to kick some ass and take some names, the Democrats are starting to "pansy up" again.  Knock it the fuck off!

Look I understand that Barack Obama wants to stay above the fray, and trust me that I do not consider the "O" man a pansy at all, but that leaves it to the other Democratic politicians and supporters to "get a pair" and "unleash hell". (And by the way perhaps watching "Gladiator" would not be a bad choice for you pencil necks.)

Joe Lieberman is a whiny little putz who can only continue kicking sand in the faces of Democrats as long as he enjoys the protection of bigger and stronger politicians.  Right now he is looking for Obama's protection, but Barack needs to leave this jerk to his own devices.  Then some other Democrat (Rahm Emmanuel do you hear me?), should kick his lilly white  ass ALL over the Senate floor! (Hell if you don't want Emmanuel to get his hands dirty then let Barney Frank have him!  That would be awesome!)

No matter who does it, there is no doubt that it needs to be done. And Democrats overall need to start sticking their damn chests out and act like winners for a change and stop playing defense.  

I am not suggesting that we all need to act like assholes I am simply saying that we need to give off confidence and make America believe that we can keep them safe from terrorists both in and outside this country. (And yeah I am talking to you, Bush administration.)

So come on Dems!  Grab a hold of your cocks and lets start to rock!  America is counting on us.

(And by the way if any ladies found my constant reference to the male anatomy offensive then I apologize.  But remember I am from a place where the only person tougher then an Alaskan male, is an Alaskan female.  And these are REAL Alaskan women!  Not "Sarah Palin" Alaskan women. NO REAL Alaskan woman would ever wear high heels and a skirt to a turkey farm!) 


  1. Lieberman's (due)time is coming...

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I don't find it offensive but the imagery is amusing. The idea of a bunch of flabby senators having to grab hold of their over-medicated penises in order to take on a guy who my 9 year old niece could eviscerate with a look, is too funny. I guess it's a male thing.

    I really wanted the Dems to kick Lieberman to the curb and make him crawl around for Republican scraps, but Obama wants to get his domestic agenda passed, and the way Lieberman has been bowing and scraping to Obama -as you yourself pointed out in a previous post - I guess Lieberman is going to vote the way Obama tells him to vote. If it gets us health care, I guess it's worth it. And I really think the voters of Conneticut are going to take care of this pos when he's up for reelection again in four years.

  3. technically we have four cheeks - but at this point I think we've turned all four cheeks

    I am so hope Lieberman doesn't get re-elected enough is enough


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