Thursday, November 20, 2008

Katie Couric comes clean on the David Letterman Show about what it was like to interview Sarah Palin.

I like how Katie Couric seems to understand that Alaskans have "access" to reading material. Yes we do Ms. Couric they are mostly old Sears catalogs, but for us rustic types they are considered multi-use materials. If you know what I mean.

"People either love or dislike her intensely" Want to venture a guess as to which camp I am in? Really is it that obvious?

But returning to that question about what Sarah Palin reads. Now she said "everything and anything" which we all know is a complete crock. And then she made it sound like Katie Couric tried one of those "gotcha" questions and was trying to suggest that Alaskans don't read, or at least don't read anything but "Field & Steam" and "40 helpful hints in the fight against frostbite".

If only CBS had access to a REAL Alaskan who could answer that question about what they read up in the last frontier.

Hold the phone! I am a REAL Alaskan! Katie Couric can ask me! Hmmm how would that go?

Katie Couric: it?

G-man: Yes, the name is Gryphen.

Katie Couric: Kind of a stupid name isn't it?

G-man: Can we just get on with the questions please?

Katie Couric: Yes of course. So..uh...Gryphen, what kind of books or magazines do you read?

G-man: Well Ms. Couric, you sexy little minx you, I read a wide variety of books and magazines.

Katie Couric: Can you give some examples?

G-man: Of course, what kind of idiot could not provide examples? I read the Anchorage Daily News every single day. I am also usually reading about three books at the same time, one fiction, one historic, and one humorous. The rest of my reading is usually done online. I read a number of informative local and and national blogs and websites, as well as news sites and a few entertainment sites.

Katie Couric: Can you be anymore specific?

G-man: This is an awfully thorough interview. Are you flirting with me Ms. Couric?

Katie Couric: No Mr...uh...Gryphen. And you could you please stop staring at my legs?

G-man: Okay where was I? Oh yeah, online reading material. Let me see, locally my daily reading list includes Mudflats, Progressive Alaska, Shannyn Moore, Celtic Diva, Alaskan Dispatch, and a few others depending on how recently they have been updated.

The other sites I visit daily include Crooks and Liars, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Watergate Summer, Americablog, Raw Story, and I usually visit various news sites as well, such as The Drudge Report, MSNBC, and CNN. The list changes somewhat depending on updates and breaking stories.

Katie Couric: So would you say that you represent the average Alaskan?

G-man: Trust me darling there is nothing "average" about me.

Katie Couric: Mr. Gryphen perhaps I should inform you that the pen I am holding in my hand also doubles as a very powerful stun gun which I am now pointing in the direction of your genitalia.

G-man: Yes..yes..I am probably just slightly above average in my access and interest in a variety of reading materials. But I am certainly closer to the average Alaskans level of intellectual curiosity then Governor Palin. Now can you please point that thing in another direction?

Katie Couric: Well there you have it. It is now clear that even the very, very average Alaskan is better read then we were led to believe by our interview with Sarah Palin. I hope that we have finally cleared that up.

G-man: You know Governor Sarah was right, you can be kind of a bitch. No wonder your show is the lowest rated news program in primetime.

Katie Couric: I warned you. Bzzzt!!

G-man: OW! OW! OW!


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    You are crazy!!!

  2. I would be lying if I said I have ever watched Couric. To me she should have stayed where she was.
    In her inefficient way though she started unearthing the phony Neanderthal Eva Braun Palin! I saw that Newt knocked her down a couple of pegs too!


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