Monday, November 17, 2008

Now we learn that Alaska's voter turnout may have set a record. Exactly how long does this roller coaster ride last?

Alaska voter turnout for this year's election appears now on track to be the highest ever.

That's contrary to hand-wringing about why Alaskans didn't show up for this historic election, and even some speculation that ballots weren't being counted.

"I think people were premature to jump to conclusions that voter turnout was very low. It's apparent that a large number of people in this state chose to vote absentee versus in person on Election Day," said Gail Fenumiai, state elections division director.

The state will count the final absentee and questioned ballots Tuesday -- about 24,000 of them. Even if a third of the questioned ballots are disqualified, that will put the turnout above 320,000, the most Alaskans who have ever voted.

What's unusual this year is that nearly a third of the ballots weren't counted until after Election Day. That's because of the record number of Alaskans who chose to vote early and absentee.

I am going to admit that I am one confused Alaskan voter.

I stood and watched the election results board in the Egan Center on November 4. That was the first time that I felt there was something not quite right. It was the fact that the percentages never changed that stuck out for me. In other words every time the results were updated the percentage of the votes for each candidate remained unchanged, or changed only slightly.

Since then there have been a number of red flags that have made me, and others, question if the outcome of our election can be trusted.

The three points that most concerned me were that 7 time convicted Ted Stevens was ahead of Mark Begich, that the voter turnout was lower then in any other general election, and that the much disliked Don Young could trounce the supremely intelligent Ethan Bekowitz in an election year of change.

However now the "absentee ballot magic balm" is being applied to soothe each of our inflamed concerns.

DOE: "Shhh, don't worry. Mark Begich is now going to emerge victorious over Ted Stevens. Shh, calm down and let the balm ease your tension. Shhh."

But what about the number? How can the voter turnout be so low?

DOE: "Shhh, don't worry. The election numbers are now setting a state record. Shhh, let us massage those wrinkles from your brow, there is nothing wrong here. Everything is just fine. Shhh."

But what about Ethan? How could he lose against Don Young? If we were going to vote Uncle Ted out then why leave the soon to be indicted Don Young in place to further embarrass Alaska?

DOE "Shhh, don't let that one little detail rile you up. Just let it go. If the other two turned out to be nothing, then surely this is nothing as well. Shhh. Breathe out your tension and breathe in the calm. Shhh."

So now those who believed that there was never anything wrong, and that many of us just jumped the gun by claiming there might be, can feel smug. And those of us who felt there was something fishy, will feel isolated. And the world just keeps right on turning.

But there are still a few things that I don't understand. Why were so many early votes saved to be counted after the election? Was there something about the date, or the voter precinct, or the names on the ballot that meant they needed to be checked more thoroughly then the ones that had been counted on November 4th?

And how is it that Don Young could win an election when the Republican brand is poison, and he represents the very worst that the GOP has to offer?

Just where did all of those thousands of last minute absentee ballots come from? Will we ever know?

And finally, how did Randy Ruedrich know just how important the absentee ballots would turn out to be way back in September, when I heard him stress them at the Sarah Palin rally?

But at the end of the day we can be sure that Mark Begich will not want a recount, the Republican party will not allow Ted Stevens to request a recount, there will probably be very little pressure from outside of Alaska asking for a recount, and Ethan Berkowitz will look like a sore loser if he asks for a recount all on his own. All wrapped up with a tidy little bow.

So the 2008 election stumbles to a close. There are still some questions, but not enough to elicit outrage or overwhelming suspicion.

DOE "Shhhh. you can find peace if you simply let the "absentee ballot magic balm" do its work. Don't fight it, just let it ease your mind and unfurrow your brow. As far as you can prove, everything is just fine. There is absolutely nothing to see here. Shhh."


  1. I've never understood why the early and absentee votes are not counted till well after the election. *confused*

  2. I think Ruder Itch (you know that sensation you have when you don't wipe clean) and Young have been messing with our election returns for years. This year though, Shanyn Moore and a few others that had gotten national attention before the election brought the scrutiny of the nation. Normally in Alaska the crooked politicians could get away with fixing election results because nobody of any importance asked about the strange results. This year because of the bloggosphere the tubes started talking and national media started asking questions. So Ruedrich told his boys to put the ballots back. Young had paid Randy over a million bucks to win ( the legal fees Young wont account for) so Randy is making sure Congressman Dung gets re-elected.

  3. Hey careful there Phil!

    You sound like one of those pajama clad, tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy minded bloggers.

    You don't want to find yourself lumped together with that crowd!

    (But between you and me buddy, you are smacking that nail all over its head.)

  4. This speaks volumes as to the corruption that is Alaskan Politics! Even if Stevens wins reelection after what who knows, the Senate can vote him out and they will!

  5. Hang in there friend...the Numbers will set you free...

    have Hope...



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