Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Say good-bye to the high five. It is the "Terrorist Fist Bump" or nothing from now on!

I was never a huge fan of the high five anyhow, and I welcome this new Obama-fied method for greeting my peeps and demonstrating future male (or female) bonding.


  1. my kids call this "knuckles"...can we call a t-bump? or O-Knuckles?the "terrorist" thing makes me want to scratch an "H" in my face and blame it on an Elisabeth Hasselbeck fan. AND can i just say AGAIN that i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE seeing how kids are drawn to this man? it's gotta be the mama in me...but even my kids will watch him and call out "Look! It's Barack!" when they see him on the talkie tube.

  2. I love that picture. I love all the pictures of him and children. I loved the way he looked at his daughters during his acceptance speech. I think I just love him.

  3. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Obama won despite being a fucking asshole piece of shit that has very little experience in politics and is only a goddamn celebrity preying on the minority population by talking about 'change'. change for the sake of change is always dangerous, as history has shown before. Add to that the fact he is a lying fucking hypocrite, and this country has really gone down the shitter! FUCK OBAMA!! I though we were fighting a war against the fucking muslims!!!

  4. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Another unmedicated American heard from....

  5. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Rational American
    Obviously you didn't listen to your "hero" John McCain the other night! Go crawl back under your effing rock! Nazi!

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Irrational American:

    Yo! Listen up! This is a "no-hate zone", my friend. I'm sure O'Reilly or Rush has a chat room DYING to hear from you. So listen to what your mama should have taught ya: If you can't something nice, take your irrational ass home.


  7. love that photo!

    as for rational american (what an oxymoron), just proves my belief that many people live their lives in fear and anger and that's all they know. how sad.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.