Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Shannyn Moore to appear on the Rachel Maddow show today.

Shannyn just told me that she is going to be on Rachel's show to talk of our concerns about the Alaska election results.

Shannyn was the FIRST one of us to post about the possibility that there may be something underhanded happening up here, and of course we all know that Rachel is simply obsessed with Alaska and the questions swirling around our bizarre election results.

This should prove to be very entertaining and informative, so make sure to check your local TV listings and tune in.

(And yes I will post the video as soon as it becomes available.)

Update: Here is the video featuring Shannyn on Rachel's show.

"The only thing in Alaska wilder then our animals is our politics." Love the quote.

Didn't she do great?


  1. Shannyn did very VERY well on Rachel's show! Good on her!! Whoooot!

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    It's always great to see Shannyn on TV. People Outside need to see and hear from "real" Alaskans (yes, that's directed at you, Sarah), which is why I love that these local Progressive blogs exist. Most of us really ARE ethical and want to be represented by ethical people. Our problem is that we've always been too trusting of our politicians; we've assumed that our votes counted in elections.

    Now it's hard to know what to think when Ted Stevens is convicted of felonies, Sarah Palin goes all 180 on us, and our election makes no sense.

    I'd really like to know what's going on. I hope someone is finding out.

  3. i'm so glad Rachel gave her story a national platform. it's nice to see the anti-Meg Stapelton. You know, smart and non-drone-like. Why does Meg remind me of that movie Single White Female? Like she's secretly in love with Palin...huh. I might watch way too much television.

  4. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Shannyn is funny and smart mavericky, not douchey mavericky like the crazy church lady.

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Floating a Sarah Palin candidacy trial balloon can be likened to the Hindenburg.


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