Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wasilla man files ethics charge against Sarah Palin. In my opinion EVERYBODY in Wasilla should file an ethics complaint!

Zane Henning, the Wasilla man who made a public records request for thousands of e-mails from Palin aides, has filed a new ethics complaint against the governor.

His charge: That Palin is breaking state ethics rules by talking about her campaign and promoting her political career from her state office. He’s focusing largely on this recent interview with Greta Van Susteren in the Atwood building, but also cites her Nov. 7 interview with reporters in the lobby of the governor’s office.

“These video reports show Sarah Palin speaking to numerous reporters in her Republican vice-presidential candidate capacity defending and still promoting herself and not as the governor of Alaska representing Alaskans,” Henning writes.

Oooh I like this Zane Henning guy. He has Alaskan-sized balls! And don't you just love that he comes from Wasilla?

I think it is pretty clear to everybody that Governor Sarah simply cannot be bothered about anything as pedestrian as following ethics rules. After all she is THE Sarah Palin!

She violates at least three ethics rules everyday before breakfast!

Even that 7 million dollar book deal is a clear violation of the ethics rules.

But will that stop our crazy ass Governor? Don't be silly! Even when she is found guilty of ethics violations by a special counsel hired by a bi-partisan group of Legislators, her only response is to get her own people to find her NOT guilty. Over, done with, gone.

But I have to believe that Governor "Teflon" is going to eventually find that one of these charges WILL stick and that she will simply not be able to shake it loose. That will be a great day in Alaska, and I will make damn sure I have a front row seat.

And the popcorn is on me kids!


  1. Way to go Alaskans!

  2. msnbc is calling the AK race for BEGICH!!! holy COW! is it TRUE??????

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    WOOOO HOOOO!!!!!

    Thank you Alaska!!!

    Thank you Begich!!!!

    Thank you Gryphen, people like you make a difference!!!!

    xxoo xxoo xxoo

  4. Yes Jen it is indeed true.

    And thank you to anonymous.

  5. Thank you Gman..thank you Alaskans..thank you WOW...Waaaaahooooooooo !!!!!!

    ( Teddy will have to start packing for his "retirement".....and let's hope that he packs orange jumpsuits....hehe)

  6. Oops, and also thank you hillbloger.

  7. ahem...
    are you not thanking your most loyal reader ???I am hurt ;-(

    ( I yelled loud enough for you to hear up there)

  8. Of course not. I just did not see your comment before I said my last thanks.

    Thank you Enigma,you are my most faithful and constant blogger buddy.

    Without your support I may never have lasted this long.

    Thanks for everything!

  9. ahhhh thanks.....
    eh you would have hung in there..you are tenacious....brave....Keep up the great work....we will get OUR country back...

  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

    All I see here are a bunch of mean spirited hateful people.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.