Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Barack Obama deserves a better class of Secret Service agent then the ones protecting George Bush!

Look I hate to judge anybody's job performance, but the Secret Service that was supposed to be protecting George Bush in Baghdad should all be fired! There is no way that the Iraqi journalist should have been able to throw a shoe at Bush, and definitely not two shoes! That is simply incompetence as far as I am concerned.

And did you notice the physical characteristics of the agents that poured out of that backroom and swarmed (in slow motion) from the sides? They were portly, balding white guys with the bare minimum of athletic ability to do that job. If you watch the video, you can plainly see how slow the SS is in getting to the suspect and then they almost look unsure of what to do for a second before they handcuff him and haul his ass away. (And look at some of the waistlines on these Joe six-packs. There are forty plus waistlines as far as the eye can see.)

Barack Obama is the first African American President in our history. The people who come after him will be armed with much more dangerous projectiles then simple shoes! And personally I don't want Barney Fife protecting him!

So my suggestion, and this could be taken in the wrong way but hear me out, is to hire some more black guys!

I know, I know, I know, this smacks of reverse racism and nobody should suggest that ANY race is more qualified to do a job then any other ethnicity. But try telling the NBA or the NFL that.

I mean who would you rather have protecting you? Wesley Snipes or Woody Harrelson? The movie was called "White Men Can't Jump" for a reason.

Or how about Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Have you ever seen the size of Kareem's hands? That shoe would have been snatched out of the air WAY before it could ever have even gotten close to the President! And besides Abdul was trained by freaking Bruce Lee!

Okay, I am obviously being a little tongue in cheek here but my point is still very valid. The Secret Service that protects Barack Obama needs to be the very best that America has to offer. There were numerous death threats against Obama even before he was the nominee, and those only increased as the general election proceeded forward (Thank you Sarah Palin!)

Obama needs committed, athletic, professional guards, who will not hesitate to jump to his defense at a moments notice.

Sure there are obviously many qualified people from ALL races that could do the job. But let me ask you this, would YOU want to the African American Secret Service agent who allowed harm to befall America's FIRST black President? Hell no, you wouldn't!

So EVERY Secret Service agent may want desperately to protect their President, but the black guy could never face his family, his neighbors, or the rest of his life if he failed to protect Barack Obama. And personally THAT is the guy I want standing next to the President as he goes across the country talking to audiences, that will definitely contain people who want to do him harm.

Do you want Barack Obama to be safe? Then start hiring the black guy! Give them the cool Will Smith black suit and sunglasses, and put them right next to President Obama, and I guarantee he will live a long and healthy life.


  1. I said the same thing... they were very slow..I just didn't think they reacted fast enough at all.

    I have noticed however PEBO does have at least 1 black working his detail. I also noticed this morning on his presser at the school when they were shaking hands they were very vigilent and right out there, not hanging back like the ones do with Bush. Maybe, the USSS is like the rest of us and a little disgusted with him...lol

    I posted an alarming story a day or so ago I found about the number of Neo-Nazis in the military. I was shocked when I read it. Wonder about the SS if they have infiltrated there too??

    Just a thought.

  2. Yeah I heard a rumor to that effect early in the campaign, went Obama first received Secret Service protection.

    That is just another reason we need to get some blacks into the Service. I still think that the nation, and African American community, would breathe much easier if they could look at Barack working a receiving line flanked by some healthy young ex-NFL players.

  3. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Do you think the Secret Service is wasting their best guys on the lamest of lame duck presidents? Please...the day after the election, they probably took all his best SS men and put them on Obama's detail. Why put them in danger for Dubya? They have better things to do...let Bush keep the fat slow guys...

  4. Oh man Anonymous! I certainly hope you are right!

    And by the way, GREAT comment! It made my day.

  5. Anonymous4:02 AM

    To Gryphen...I wrote the comment above.I live in the DC area and happen to know some Secret Service guys. They do assign agents depending on the "value" of who they are protecting. No worries...Obama will get the best of the best!


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