Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Barack Obama has highest approval rating for a President-elect in American history.

Eighty-two percent of those questioned in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday morning approve of the way the Obama is handling his presidential transition. That's up 3 points from when we asked this question at the beginning of December. Fifteen percent of those surveyed disapprove of the way Obama's handling his transition, down 3 points from our last poll.

The 82 percent approval is higher than then President-elect George W. Bush 8 years ago, who had a 65 percent transition approval rating, and Bill Clinton, at 67 percent in 1992.

"Barack Obama is having a better honeymoon with the American public than any incoming president in the past three decades. He's putting up better numbers, usually by double digits, than Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, or either George Bush on every item traditionally measured in transition polls," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

If somebody were to poll my opinion on Barack Obama right now I would still probably give him a 90% approval rating.

Even after the Rick Warren brouhaha, the retaining of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and the lack of clarity as to just when we are bringing our troops home from Iraq, I still have a great deal of confidence in this man.


I am going to be watching our new President very carefully. I have faith, but I am no mindless acolyte. If Obama fails to be the intelligent, sincere, trustworthy man he presented himself to be in his campaign then his first term will be a veritable gauntlet of attacks from liberal blogs, the media, and disillusioned Democrats.

We have waited too long, and worked too damn hard, to let this man break his promises to us.

But you know what? I have faith that he already knows that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Gryphen, we have to hold his feet to the fire. I think it will be fine, but will be watching and will be there to yell loudly if he doesn't keep his feet on the path he said he would.
    So far, with the packet they are putting together for the stimulis and Biden saying no pork, that is a huge step in the right direction. Now if Congress will just follow and they can just stick with it.


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