Sunday, December 21, 2008

Do you remember how you thought the Ted Stevens corruption trial was over and done with? Well not so damn fast there my friend.

A whistle-blower inside the Justice Department has accused members of the team investigating public corruption in Alaska of official misconduct, according to the judge who presided over Sen. Ted Stevens' trial in Washington, D.C.

The whistle-blower's complaint, dated Dec. 2, is now the subject of an internal investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility, according to a memorandum and order signed Friday by U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan of the District of Columbia.

Wait, what happened?

Sullivan said little about the nature of the alleged misconduct. Among the allegations was that a government employee accepted "multiple things of value" from sources cooperating in the investigation, Sullivan said.

The judge also reported that the whistle-blower accused at least two federal employees of intentionally violating government policies in the corruption investigation in Alaska and in connection with material that was supposed to be provided to Stevens for his defense, Sullivan said.

So what we are hearing here is that somebody may have bribed the people who were working on Ted Stevens bribery case? Is there no end to the drama that surrounds Alaska and its politicians? What could possibly be so tempting that a person associated with such a high profile case would accept it knowing the potential fallout?

The complaint alleged a person involved in the investigation accepted "multiple things of value," including "artwork and employment for a relative" from cooperating sources, the judge noted with some irony.

Artwork? And a job for your sister's lazy ass teenage son? That is worth getting this whole case thrown out? Who are these prosecutors, Larry, Curly and Moe?

Does anybody recognize the irony in this?

"Surely the court does not need to remind the government that the defendant in this case was convicted for failing to disclose that he had accepted multiple things of value and, in fact, the trial included testimony about his receipt of artwork and employment for a relative," Sullivan wrote.

Yep! I guess they do.

So now we may have to sit through this entire case again. God I don't think I can take it anymore! Aren't there more pressing things that Alaskans can focus on instead?

By the way, does anybody know if Bristol has had that kid yet?

1 comment:

  1. this is Bullshit, and just more GOP antics , trying to get cases thrown out, just like they tried with having US Attorneys fired- that should have shut down many cases, including this one...but nope it didn't....the case against Teddy has been going on since 2000....and it involved many other players....from Veco to Brent Wilkes to Duke Cunningham to other someone saying there are favors- well, good luck...cuz it is about other cases and the tentacles led to Teddy...

    I would love to know how many Please pardon me letters Teddy has written to mr.bush....


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