Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Have you been trying to figure out how Bristol Palin came up with the name Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston? We may have an answer.

This question has puzzled almost EVERYBODY who has heard this little guys name.

"How in the hell did they ever come up with that?" Is the usual refrain.

Well leave it to my friend AKMuckraker to come up with an answer. (Just click the title to visit Mudflats and read it for yourself.)

But for those who cannot wait, I will offer you the possible inspiration for the first name, and it comes to us from the Urban Dictionary which defines the word "Tripp" as:

"To engage in sexual intercourse with, usually while drunk or out of pure infatuation. Another word for having sex."


Now we have no absolute way of knowing if this is the true inspiration, but doesn't it kind of fit with everything we know about this family?


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I think young Mr. Tripp is named after his two grandmothers --

    Power Trip


    Drug Trip

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Dear Lord those Palins are shameless trash.

  3. omg...this just gets better and better...
    so Trig is named for Complicated Math ( which is beyond cruel for a Downs' baby...)

    and now this ...

    I still think Tripp should have been named Trick...
    as that is what he was this Election...just a Trick for Mama Sarah...

    ( I am beginning to think they just grab Scrabble tiles out a bag and call it good....)

  4. shit..
    I looked up Trigg...had to..
    Urban Dictionary:::
    "A clean child with mix matched clothing or clothing that does not fit properly."

    also "Messy, unkempt."...

    nice....like he would need a name that allows people to make fun of him...
    what the hell is wrong with these people....

    ( and yeah- sell the photos for 300,000....nice...)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.