Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A new blogger has taken a plunge into the rough seas of the Blogosphere.

I have noticed recently that I have a very consistent visitor, and commenter, from Australia.

Well I absolutely LOVE Australia! I even have a very good friend there who I stay in contact with via e-mail as often as I can.

So when this visitor said that she had taken the plunge and started her very own blog, well it was clear that I needed to add her to my blogroll and give her a shout out.

She has been blogging her heart out about our very own Governor Sarah and has a blogroll just chock full of Alaska blogs. So she is clearly a person with good taste and a dislike for unethical politicians. In other words, my kind of blogger.

So I would like to take a moment to say "Welcome Lynn, and congratulations on your new blog "Oz Mudflats". (Hmm I wonder how she came up with that name?)


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Thanks for mentioning her blog, Gryph. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Thank you so much Gryphen!

    Ok walk over here... shh... You weren't followed, were you? Good. Ok, now I'll tell you where I got the name Oz Mudflats. But you have to be very, very quiet...

    (I nicked it from AKM! You betcha!)

    aka Lynn-in-Australia

  3. ahhhh don't you love it when the Folks down under are blogging about the Moose Princess.....( see what you all started ;-)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.