Thursday, December 04, 2008

Republican Florida Congresswoman hangs up on Barack Obama, twice!

On Wednesday, the Republican congresswoman got a call from President-elect Barack Obama, didn't believe it was him, and hung up on him. Twice.

According to Ros-Lehtinen's flack Alex Cruz, the congresswoman received the call on her cell phone from a Chicago-based number and an aide informed her that Obama wanted to speak to her. When Obama introduced himself, Ros-Lehtinen cut him off and said, "I'm sorry but I think this is a joke from one of the South Florida radio stations known for these pranks." Then she hung up.

Moments later, Obama tried again, this time through his soon-to-be chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.

"Ileana, I cannot believe you hung up on the President-Elect," Emanuel said. And then--yes, you know what's coming--she hung up on Emanuel saying she "didn't believe the call was legitimate."

A short time later, Ros-Lehtinen received an urgent call from Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who informed her that she indeed hung up on Obama.

So, Obama tried again and this time he was successful. (Phew!)

"It is very funny that you have twice hung up on me," Obama said. Ros Lehtinen responded by telling Obama that radio stations in South Florida always make these sorts of jokes. Obama said similar pranksters reside in Chi-town.

Wow! Now that is paranoid!

I have to say that when Obama calls this house I take that call immediately.

Okay he has never ACTUALLY called here. But trust me, if he does I will talk to him until my ear falls off or Rahm Emanuel slaps my phone right out of my hand.

And just what is wrong with Ros-Lehtinen? I mean if it really was a radio show prank how bad could that be?

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. LOL!


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    ..."anybody with the intellectual curiosity to ask the important questions." What about chasing down the truth about Obama's qualifications to be President?

  2. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I was going to say that Ros-Lehtinen probably doesn't feel as stupid as Sarah Palin did after the "Masked Avengers" from Montreal who pranked Palin in the fake "Sarkozy" telephone call...

    Then I realized my mistake. Sarah Palin never feels stupid. She's not smart enough to know she's stupid, thus would never feel that way.


    As for the previous Anonymous who said, "What about chasing down the truth about Obama's qualifications to be President?"

    WHAT? You mean 2 years hasn't been enough??? You mean a perfectly run, well organized campaign nearly devoid of the nastiness his opponents shoveled at their lowest-common-denominator "base" wasn't enough for you?

    You mean the legitimate copy of Obama's birth certificate -- which the conspiracy-theorist tin-hat far-right-leaning (losers) STILL don't understand IS LEGAL -- isn't good enough?

    BTW, there isn't a birth certificate registry (county administration building, county courthouse, whatever) that's going to release the ORIGINAL birth certificate for ANYBODY, even to the person for whom it's filed.

    They ALWAYS get a copy. In the "olden days" it used to be a photostatic copy, with a seal imprint. Then it was a Xerox copy. Then in the beginning of the computer age, it was a copy prepared with a dot-matrix printer. Now we get a Xerox-style computer printer copy.

    It's rather a nice touch, I think, that the birth certificate COPIES are printed on nice official paper like the one Obama's is printed on.

    I'll bet if any of you 40-somethings applied to your county of birth in your state of birth for "your birth certificate", you would not get the original, you'd get something very much like Obama's.

    But you won't do that. You wouldn't want to bring the conspiracy theory and all those stupid, inane lawsuits to a screeching halt, would you?


  3. Thanks KaJo!

    I was debating whether or not it was worthy my time to swat the fly at 6:28. but I have to say you did such a stellar job that I can just go on posting new and interesting material instead.

    So thanks again!


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