Friday, December 26, 2008

RNC candidate uses racism to win acceptance by GOP. Stay classy Republicans!

RNC candidate Chip Saltsman’s Christmas greeting to committee members includes a music CD with lyrics from a song called “Barack the Magic Negro,” first played on Rush Limbaugh’s popular radio show.Saltsman, a personal friend of conservative satirist Paul Shanklin, sent a 41-track CD along with a note to national committee members.

“I look forward to working together in the New Year,” Saltsman wrote. “Please enjoy the enclosed CD by my friend Paul Shanklin of the Rush Limbaugh Show.”

The CD, called “We Hate the USA,” lampoons liberals with such songs as “John Edwards’ Poverty Tour,” “Wright place, wrong pastor,” “Love Client #9,” “Ivory and Ebony” and “The Star Spanglish banner.”

Several of the track titles, including “Barack the Magic Negro,” are written in bold font.

The song, which debuted on Limbaugh’s show in late March 2007, latches onto an opinion column in the Los Angeles Times of the same title. That column, penned by cultural critic David Ehrenstein, argued that Obama could serve as a balm to whites who felt guilty about past treatment of African Americans.

“See, real black men, like Snoop Dogg, or me, or Farrakhan, have talked the talk, and walked the walk, not come in late and won,” one verse in the song says.

Hey look I love to laugh. Ask anybody.

And I don't mind if the jokes are a little politically incorrect or bawdy. But this is not simply "politically incorrect" this is hate seeking the camouflage of humor.

If this parody were done featuring Hillary Clinton, or Laura Bush, using sexually denigrating references instead of racial ones, the women of this country would burn this guy at the stake. If he were lucky.

The truly insulting thing about this, even more so then actual recordings themselves, is the fact that these racists are hiding behind the fact that the article, which first referenced the "Magic Negro" conception, was written by a black man. (You can see Rush frantically trying to do just that in this link.)

In the same way that closet racists love to listen to rap songs in their cars because they believe that since the "N" word is part of the song it gives them carte blanche to sing it at the top of their lungs, these assholes want to make the case that you cannot be angry at them unless you are also willing to vilify David Ehrenstein for bringing the term into the current nomenclature. (I guess these guys have never heard of Spike Lee.)

However the point that Mr. Ehrenstein was trying to make, and the one that was clearly lost on Rush Limbaugh, Chip Saltsman, and this Paul Shanklin jerk, is that the idea of the "Magic Negro" is in and of itself racist. By trying to hide behind the phrase these three individuals have simply allowed their white sheets to be seen even more clearly.

However what most Barack Obama supporters have come to understand, and admire, is that Obama is not the "magic negro". He did not suddenly appear from nowhere just to sacrifice himself for the hapless white man. He ran for President of the United States to help America. ALL of America, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and every other ethnicity one can imagine.

And besides EVERY President gets the ideals of the voters projected on them. You don't think that those bible thumpers convinced themselves that George Bush was the second coming of Christ? They are still doing that very thing to Sarah Palin.

So this Chip Saltsman may think he is fooling people by hiding behind these "humor" CD's, but he is not fooling anybody. We can smell that faint odor of burning crosses from here.

P.S. By the way just in case you think I may have exaggerated the offensiveness of the song in question I hesitantly provide this link, so that you can listen to it for yourselves. Don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Horn-tooting from his RNC campaign web site:

    (quote begins): Saltsman was also an important figure in Senator Frist's preparations for a potential run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008...was labeled "Frist's secret weapon" by Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post and "a multi-talented superstar ...[who has] demonstrated uncanny, remarkable leadership in every endeavor he's undertaken"...Saltsman became National Campaign Manager for Governor Mike Huckabee's presidential campaign....[he]oversaw all aspects of the campaign, including political, fundraising, communications and operations, and he led the dark horse candidacy to a surprise second place in the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll and then to victory in the Iowa Republican Caucuses. Huckabee's campaign proceeded to record victories in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, and West Virginia on Super Tuesday, before ending his campaign on March 4, 2008 with 270 pledged delegates. (end quote)

    ....and yet, with all of this brainpower, he is still ignorant enough to send an openly racist Christmas greeting to RNC committee members? Saltsman has singlehandledly reinforced what so many people outside this region assume about the entire south: the people who live here are backward, racist, and ignorant. It also reaffirms my belief that the mass migration out of the mean-spirited and increasingly irrelevant republican party has been a very, very good thing for our country. It is so far lost in the past it will be finding itself for the next 20 years.

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Karen, as someone who lives in the deep south and voted for Obama (along with a lot of other people in the south who voted for Obama) I really don't think your comments make much sense. Grow a brain and quit trying to stir up hate against a whole area of the country, it's such a republican tactic.

  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    “a Christmas gift”
    Hmmmh! Let’s see, A long time ago only Jews were God’s chosen people, then comes Jesus and teaches people about the love of God for his creation, he is crucified, dies and rises from the dead and promises to come back to judge humanity, his 12 disciples convert people regardless of race and ethnicity and we have a semi-universal church.
    Then we get the Christian(followers of Christ) right wing and they judge people by the color of their skin, they talk to God daily but do not have the humility that the saints had after talking to the Lord of time, space and creation, they think he is their personal genie,name it and claim it, they become increasingly xenophobic and spread their hate around the world even on Christmas day the birth day of the aforementioned savior who died for the sins of the world. It is indeed a shame. “And Jesus wept.” For this reason there will be final judgement when humanity will realize how we have wronged God through his creation.

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  5. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Chip Saltsman and the RNC are a pretty class act, aren't they?


  6. I wonder if that blockhead Saltsman was stupid enough to use RNC funds to send the CDs to -- what was it -- 168 fellow RNC committee members?

    I hope that was illegal on a federal level. FBI, are you watching? (as if they don't already have enough to do)

  7. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Dear anonymous,

    Go back and read my comments again v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. I wasn't stirring up hate, I was condemning Saltsman's use of racism to perpetuate it. And I definitely did *not* say that the people in the south were backward, racist and ignorant.....rather that this moron's behavior has reinforced assumptions people HAVE about the south. I live in the south, am thrilled that my entire family has lef the republican party, and have enough of a brain that I voted for Obama myself. :-)

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    "If this parody were done featuring Hillary Clinton, or Laura Bush, using sexually denigrating references instead of racial ones, the women of this country would burn this guy at the stake. If he were lucky."

    As a man, who supported Hillary and was outraged by her mistreatment, and her being ripped off by the RNC and DNC I think thats a futile point... Not very many American women stood up when a man yelled at Hillary "Iron my shirt!"...then again, they may not have been aware as that was not really broadcast over and over as much as negative things about her were. On a related note, Thank God Chris Matthews is not going to parade his shit before America by running for office. I can barely take him in his current position...

    Also in defense of Karen, from the unwarranted attack by anonymous:

    You have single-handedly proven her point about being backwards and stupid. What you are 'angry' about is exactly what she was describing...she was NOT expressing that. Please do the south, and for that matter, the rest of the nation, a favor, and LEARN TO READ!

    On this note, I end by saying, the Repugnican party will NOT be lost for 20 years; they consider right where they are to be the right place. So, if your a woman, you better be stupid to get ahead in the GOP. If your black, you'd better be a paid shill for the GOP. If your white you're alright with the GOP, Mr. Macaca. Heil the GOP!
    Bunch of brown-shirt Repugnican freaks!

    (By the way, before the entire south jumps on this post for the spelling of repugnican, let me explain. its a 'compound' adjective: Repugnant and Republican. They go together and are mirror images. If its Repugnant, its republican, and if its republican, its repugnant. Why keep the words separate? make it Repug-nican or, better yet, save electricity, eliminate the hyphen:


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It just goes directly to their thighs.