Monday, December 08, 2008

Uh oh! Bad news for Sarah Palin, as Mitt "Male Mannequin" Romney starts preparing for his 2012 Presidential bid.

Republican Mitt Romney is laying the groundwork for a possible White House campaign in 2012, hiring a team of staff members and consultants with money from a fund-raising committee he established with the ostensible purpose of supporting other GOP candidates.

The former Massachusetts governor has raised $2.1 million for his Free and Strong America political action committee. But only 12 percent of the money has been spent distributing checks to Romney's fellow Republicans around the country.

Instead, the largest chunk of the money has gone to support Romney's political ambitions, paying for salaries and consulting fees to over a half-dozen of Romney's longtime political aides, according to a Globe review of expenditures.

Wow, 2.1 million! That is a substantial amount of money to have in pocket four years before the next presidential election. I wonder how much Palin has put aside? Maybe she can return some of those fancy clothes to Saks Fifth Avenue and get a head start on fundraising. That must be good for a cool ten thousand right?

But is Romney really better candidate for the Republicans then Palin? I am not so sure.

They have both served as Governor's of very red states (Well up until this year at least when Alaska turned a lovely shade of purple.)

They are both photogenic. (Though I think it is clear to most people that Romney is actually prettier.)

Both have five children. ( However I am pretty sure that all five of Mitt's children are biologically his.)

Both have somewhat unconventional, even bizarre, religious beliefs. (Mitt believes he gets his own planet when he dies and Palin believes that God is building the gas pipeline in Alaska.)

And both have absolutely NO chance of defeating Barack Obama in 2012.

Essentially I think they should join forces and run against Obama on the same ticket just so the Democrats can crush them both at the same time. Why prolong their agony?


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Romney was governor of Massachusetts- hardly a "red" state.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Perhaps Mitt & Sarah can run on the "Ken & Barbie" ticket.


  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I doubt that Sarah Palin's new best friends, the rabid religious right fundamentalist/conservatives will ever accept Mitts religious beliefs.

    She would alienate that base, and then who would vote for her?

  4. I am sorry Anonymous 8:08, you are correct. Massachusetts is certainly not a red state, and I stand corrected.

    However I will leave the post as is, just to show that when I make mistakes I am not so arrogant as to cover them up and pretend they did not happen.

    But the rest of the post seems accurate so hopefully I have not missed another boo boo.

  5. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Mitt put his dog on the roof of the family car during a family vacation trip to Canada for a vacation; Sarah took a 24 hour vacation to Texas with Trig's life on the line. Twins separated at birth!

  6. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Personally, I no longer care who the Republicans select to run in2012. They might not have noticed, but before Obama has even put his blackberry on the desk in the Oval Office, he's already accomplished more for the people of the US than Bush managed in two terms, essentially WINNING the 2012 election :)


  7. Anonymous7:54 PM

    What has Obama accomplished, except saying that he will need more than 4 years to accomplish everything? Oh, and already going against some of the things he ran on, ie windfall taxes on the oil industry, and alienating many in his liberal base with his selections.

  8. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Dear Anonymous:
    What has Obama accomplished?
    How about we let the guy at LEAST get inaugurated before asking "Why hasn't he already fixed the frigging mess left to him by Bush?"



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