Monday, December 15, 2008

Yep it was arson alright!

Whoever torched Gov. Sarah Palin's home church tried to start fires in several places around the building, the federal agency assisting in the investigation said Monday.

Accelerants were found in multiple locations on the outside of Wasilla Bible Church, including around entrances and exits, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The Friday-night blaze caused an estimated $1 million in damage to the 21/2-year-old building and displaced one of the largest congregations in the Valley. The 35,314-square-foot building is valued between $4 million and $5 million, according to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough.

Five church members were inside when the blaze started, but they were able to get out safely after the fire alarm sounded.

There were some who felt that I, and others, jumped the gun by calling this a case of arson before all of the facts had been gathered. And there is some wisdom in that.

But I felt that this was a case of arson the minute I read the first preliminary police reports. It just felt kind of......"arsony" to me.

I mean of all of the churches that are littered around the Valley (And there is an ungodly number of them), why would this church be the only one that spontaneously combusted? Clearly somebody wanted to make a statement. That statement being "I am a knuckle dragging moron who cannot articulate my emotions effectively without engaging in random acts of destruction."

Which brings me to my next declarative statement, based only on my gut feeling and not yet backed up by any evidence. This is NOT the work of a liberal anti-Palin activist.

Liberals don't do property damage. We just find breaking, or burning, things so...anti-intellectual. We would much rather argue a conservative into submission then to burn some of his crap. I mean how does THAT make our point any more effectively?

So since we ALL want to see whoever did this brought to justice, I certainly hope that the police are not focusing on people of differing political points of view, and instead are focusing on teenagers with too much time on their hands and access to kerosene or gasoline. Which essentially could be every single teenager in the Valley. Good luck Wasilla Police Department, you are going to need it.


  1. It's rather interesting that some of the conservative neanderthals are blaming it on "Teh
    Gays!" One commenter at the Juneau Empire actually said, "Have you noticed that it’s always the gays, PETA anti everything groups that use violence when others don’t agree with them?" Yeah, gays are so notorious for blowing shit up when they get ass. No conservative, white, christian male has ever blown anything up, except in Oklahoma city, at the Olympics in 1996, abortion clinics......and many others.

  2. I hope they catch whoever is responsible for this ASAP.


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