Thursday, January 22, 2009

Anchorage station KTUU covers the crisis in Emmonak and other villages.

That video is courtesy of Dennis Zaki who many of you helped to send to Emmonak to obtain footage of this disaster. As you can see your generous donations are already starting to pay off.

I have to say it is very gratifying to see Les Gara taking the lead on this issue. And also driving home the point that this would not have happened if Palin and her administration would have just listened to the lawmakers who had the foresight to see this coming.

Is anybody else surprised that Governor Palin did not drop everything and go to help the people of Emmonak along with these other officials? Nope me either!

After all she had a book deal to work on, and what could be more important then that?


  1. Well, she DID have that State of the State address to work on, too (coming up very soon, as a matter of fact), and with her command of the English language, she's probably been rewriting it about a dozen times. With help, as some have observed.

    Volunteer speechwriter: "Sarah, you DON'T actually say 'and, also, too' do you? Don't put it in your speech, it makes you sound like a hayseed..."


    Yay for Les Gara. It was heartening to hear him confirm that the state had been warned, and that they'd do something about it....that the shortfall of heating oil would be provided for, above the $3/gal price city folks pay.

  2. and don't forget, she was busy earlier this week--Glenn Beck show, and media bashing to attend too.

  3. you have to hand it to the gentleman at the end of the segment asking if Gov. Palin had been on that trip. i have a hunch that prior to the campaign, they would have given her a pass on that - wouldn't have said a word, leaving it to the viewer to assume she had gone.

    i'm in the lower 48 so i've only seen Les Gara one other time - when he was essentially bitch slapping Palin's "single white female" girl friend - Meg Stapleton. i half expected him to say that Monegan had warned of the crisis upon his dismissal. boy howdy, that would have bumped Walt's poll numbers for his mayoral run.

    i've been paying so much attention to what's been going on up there i have NO idea what's going on HERE! OH! our governor was just confirmed for border something or other. and now we're left with Jan Brewer...oh...goody....yeah, your state politics are FAR more fascinating than ours. ;)


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