Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A blogger who is rendered speechless is of no use to anyone.

On a day like today, when there are so many historic and important events taking place, I know everybody who visits here expects me to say something profound.

And I want to. I really do.

But then I sit here looking at my keyboard after hearing that incredible speech by Barack Obama and I feel like some pimple faced fourteen year old who wants to ask the prettiest girl in school to dance after she just made out with the captain of the football team. You know you are not going to measure up.

So all day today I just posted videos. And here is a hint for those of you who visit here frequently. When you see a video posted that means one of three things.

  • The video is awesome and I want everybody to see it and then tell me that you were overwhelmed by its awesomeness.
  • I have absolutely nothing to say and want to cover up that fact by distracting you with some old videos I found on YouTube.
  • Sarah Palin gave yet another interview and it is time to pick it apart and be amazed that ANYBODY ever actually wanted her to be the Vice President of this country.

But today falls into a brand new fourth category.

  • The events of today are so incredible earth shattering and significant that I cannot quite put my feelings into words.

That is not something that I have ever had to contend with before.

I ALWAYS have something snarky and juvenile to say about EVERYTHING! It is my raison d'ĂȘtr. It is what I DO.

But today rather then provide some witty commentary, or humorous observations, I just want to let it soak in. Today I am just part of the audience. I am one of you. We are experiencing this together.

So forgive me if I am struck dumb by the enormity of the events happening in Washington, and in America, and in the world right now. But you see my whole universe just changed.


  1. it's a surreal moment. and all i can say is, "AMEN!"

  2. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Not to criticize, but raison d'_tre (no accent capability on this tiny keyboard) has an "e" at the end as well. Good on ya remembering the "accent circonflex", and the codes to get it, though!

  3. Okay you had me going for a minute there. I really thought I had made a mistake. But hen I noticed that you said "good on ya" which clearly points to you being an Australian.

    I have a number of Australian friends so I am quite aware you folks don't know anything about proper syntax or spelling.

    Nice try though. LOL!


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