Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chip Saltsman, you know the guy who gave Republicans that funny "Barack the Magic Negro" song parody, decides not to run for RNC chairman. Quitter!

Here is his letter (With some snarky clarification from me. Because I care.)

Since November’s election, I’ve had the remarkable opportunity to travel throughout thirty two states, share my vision for the future of our party, and listen to the advice of the nearly one hundred members who took the time to visit with me in their homes, their offices, their airports, and their coffee shops. (What I find somewhat less gratifying is that every single one of these nearly one hundred members told me NOT to run for the chairmanship and that I was an embarrassment to the GOP. Yeah with Sarah Palin around I'M THE ONE who is the embarrassment! HAH!)

I’ve seen how the Clark County Republicans of Nevada are organizing online to defeat Harry Reid in 2010, as we defeated Tom Daschle in 2002.
I’ve heard how Republicans in the District of Columbia have expanded their membership simply by holding their meetings and spreading their message in communities that have long shared our values, but which have never felt welcome within our ranks. (Now that we are openly recruiting racists we just can't print membership applications fast enough!)

I’ve witnessed how the hard work of Republican leadership in my home of Tennessee has given our state its first Republican General Assembly since 1869. (Of course they also found themselves outmaneuvered by the Tennessee Democrats who essentially chose their Republican House Speaker for them.)

And I’ve met with Republicans in New England’s blue states who are ready to plant our party’s flag and prove that our coalition is broad enough, strong enough to compete everywhere and win anywhere. (Yeah I know this is bullshit but I have to spout the party line no matter how stupid it is if I ever hope to work in the GOP again.)

But, while my travels make me confident in our party’s future, I wanted you to be first to know that I have decided to withdraw my candidacy to become your next chairman. (I would also like to remind you f*#king hypocrites that you all loved that "Magic Negro" song as much as I did until MSNBC and the blogs started making a big deal about it. And I still might have had a chance if only the wetbacks had not gotten their panties in a twist as well. Minorities, why can't they just clean our houses, care for our kids, and pick our cotton like they did in the good old days?)

Thank you for your passion for our party and for the principles that make it great. I hope that you won’t hesitate to call on me as we rebuild our majority. (Seriously I need a f#@king job!)


You know I truly feel that Chip Saltsman represented the Republican party perfectly and would have made a very appropriate Chairman. Chip is a pasty faced, immature, bigot who finds humor in the denigration of those unlike himself. How does that NOT cry out "GOP" to you?

I would say I am sorry to see Mr. Saltsman leave, as he is one of the more transparent morons in the Republican party, but I have every confidence that there are many "Chip Salstman's"(Saltsmen?) just waiting for their moment in the media spotlight.


  1. The entire GOP seems to be full of pussies in waiting. OH GEEZ! My bad. It's like that party gives me a serious case of political turrets over here.

  2. LOLOL Gryphen


    Forgive me for crowing but, Another One Bites The Dust.

  3. I think that pretty well sums up all of them. I have the letter Cantor sent out yesterday telling them all thanks for not voting and not to vote for anything else.. and I have the plan they put out for the stimulus.. it is a joke. Now the GOP Senators are doing the same thing. What a bunch of losers and whiners.

  4. The GOP seems to be chock full of this type. Another RNC Chairman candidate, Ken Blackwell, has urged Republicans to oppose the stimulus package because:
    "He warned that the bill, which calls for 80 percent job creation in the private sector, could create 600,000 new federal jobs — a problem because it would make it that much harder for for Republicans to win back Virginia"
    You can read all about this loser here:


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It just goes directly to their thighs.