Friday, January 23, 2009

The Hollywood Reporter claims that Sarah Palin book deal is a go. Update!

The former GOP vice presidential candidate has apparently enlisted the help of superstar Washington attorney Robert Barnett, who has brokered book deals for such political A-listers as President Barack Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Additionally, he has handled TV deals for a lot of top anchors and reporters such as Brian Williams, Lesley Stahl, Neil Cavuto, Christiane Amanpour and Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

While not an immediate option, TV news is considered an intriguing possible future career path for the telegenic Palin.

Reached by telephone late Wednesday, Barnett said he had no comment.

In the past few weeks, Palin has gone on the offensive, lashing out at the media for they way she and her family have been portrayed, potentially paving the way for her to tell her story in her own words.

The very first thought that occurs to me is who is paying for this attorney's services? And wouldn't that money be better spent to help the people of Emmonak?

It seems to me that Sarah Palin is constantly working some angle to keep her self in the spotlight, while at the same time working equally as hard not to have to do any real work.

The situation in Emmonak has still not been adequately addressed, the AGIA deal needs a ton of work to make it viable, and there are numerous other issues which also require her attention but are taking a back seat to her laser like focus on public relations.

It is almost impossible for me to believe that there is anybody who is not able to see through Palin's bullshit and realize that all she cares about is her own personal ambitions.

Alaska is only a means to an end, and she could not care less about our state or its people.

Now there is new information suggesting that Governor Palin is asking for 11 million dollars for this "Book of Lies". Now THAT is what I call the "audacity of the dope"!


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I wonder who will ghost the book for her...perhaps they can get Ann Coulter to help, they seem to be cut of the same cloth; you know, a way with words and excellent fact checking skills! LMAO

  2. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Those kids aren´t going to need their GEDS after all.........

  3. Anonymous4:18 AM

    How is someone who regularly butchers the English language going to write a book? She needs to just go AWAY...Alaska isn't far enough.

  4. Isn't there some "ethical" question here - is the governor allowed to earn money doing another job (author) while she is govenor? I kinda remember reading something about that awhile ago when a book or tv deal was first tossed around as a possiblity.

    Of course, we all know Sarah Palin isn't actually going to WRITE the book herself. If she does, I pity the poor editor.

    I will be celebrating the day the folks in Alaska elect a new governor who really cares about the citizens.

  5. Anonymous5:07 AM

    This will be a ghost-written work of fiction.
    Perhaps Doogan can help her out?

  6. a bit much to ask for a "pop-up" book, dontcha think?

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sarah has totally obliterated Alaskans' former image as a tough, sturdy, admirable people. We hear how scared everyone up there is of her, how she's so vindictive that no one wants to stand up to her, etc. Dudes! Grow a pair already!

  8. Anonymous8:32 AM

    It is amazing to me that cute but stupid still plays so well. This is not real life.

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    If I were the publisher shelling out money for a Palin book I would require a DNA test on Trig, Sarah, Todd, Bristol and Levi. If they shell out millions and she is found out to be a liar regarding Trigs parentage, the publisher looses all that money because no one will buy a book penned by a liar. Just smart business.

  10. I just had to share - Palin's red heels are for sale on ebay LOL
    (I posted a link)

    too funny

    the person selling them claims Palin is her aunt - IF it is true, wonder what other things she will be selling or what information could be bought

  11. ...somebody PLEASE explain, just how is she gonna write a book when she's not known for her reading skills.

  12. Anonymous9:45 PM

    So, what's the deal with your mama grizzly there, she's looking pretty ragged this last week and she looked like a beginner public speaker in her address.

    Look how long it took for someone to step up to take on shopping Palin's book bait... 3 MONTHS!

    That guy's deal is prob that he gets the first 1.5m and 20% of everything over that... so what will it hurt him to shop her around. If she has to pay her own ghost writer and pre-editor, then she'll have to get quite a bit to even break even.

    As a comparison, Condi not even out of office a week yet is also with him... makes you wonder who twisted the attorney's arm to take on Palin... Maybe he took Palin in exchange for getting Condi's book (something far more marketable!).. I wouldn't put that past the RNC to fenangle something like that... they want Palin out there for 2012 in the worst way (what better sacrificial lamb than one intent on destroying itself anyway?)

  13. Who needs a grasp of the English language or critical thinking skills when you are "young, beautiful, and scrappy?" Dear sarah's grasping greedy ways will eventually bit her on the ass. I assume she will need that book money for all the plastic surgery she will start getting in a couple of years. Got to keep the wrappng looking sparkly so that nobody sees what's in the package.


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