Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My local morning paper the ADN has referred to me as a "pundit" but according to the Daily Show I have been doing it all wrong. Well that figures.


  1. I thought your governor called you guys "pundints"?

    wow. now I'm confused!

  2. oh YOU are so much MORE than a Pundit....yup....

    you extremist you ;-)

    ( of course Sara P would not know a Pundit if she fell over it...)

    ( I think ADN is wrestling with it's "journalistic idenity" at this point ?)

  3. BLOG owner approval ???
    WHAT ??
    you better "approve "....will hurt my damn feelings ;-(

    ( hmmm- got trolls huh??? BTW I had some shmucks "visit" me from an Alaska Lobbying Firm about Sara P....I told them to Suck It...)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.