Thursday, January 15, 2009

President George Bush gives his final Presidential Address.

This blog exists solely because of George W. Bush. It was created to provide a place for me to vent. And vent I did!

I have reported and commented on a wide variety of subjects in the last four years. Many of them were indictments on the Bush administration itself.

I have blogged about social security reform, 9-11 questions, the Afghan war, the Iraq war, Plamegate, the Anthrax attacks, al-Qaeda, Vice Presidents who shoot old men in the face, phone taps, Olbermann rants, fired U.S. Attorneys, Katrina, lost White House e-mails, thrown shoes, etc., etc., etc.

Now after four years of writing about the loss of hope, the days of fear, and our nations sense of shame, I am looking forward to writing about the return of hope, the embrace of our freedoms, and our nations promise of better days to come.

And do you know what? I can hardly wait!


  1. you blogged it all and we are so grateful....
    and now we get to Blog coming Out of the Darkness....Finally...

    thank was ALL worth it...

  2. Every time I here Bush or Cheney on their rewriting history tour I have to ask "what color is the sky in their world?"

    Let us never ever forget these last 8 years so that we never ever again elect another idiot as President.

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Lady Rose looks like you may be a little late, have you seen who is going to be in the White House the next four years, a man with no experience, no military background and no backbone to stand up to the likes of George Soros and other dangerous controllers of a once decent political party.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.