Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sarah Palin is bitching to the media again, guessed it....the media.

Okay I have resisted making this accusation in the past, but I am becoming convinced that Governor Sarah Palin may be insane.

No I am not talking about her suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, we ALL accept the veracity of that claim. I mean that she has an actual debilitating psychosis.

She is complaining about a problem of her own creation, and is seemingly unaware of it. She is like a person who purposefully strikes herself in the forehead and then complains about her constant headaches. It is just nucking futs.

Of course it may be that there is some method to her apparent madness.

"I think she's positioning herself. She's attacking the media as a way to generate support among a base she hopes will support her," said Leonard Steinhorn, a professor of communications at American University in Washington and an expert on the presidency.

"I think she's exploiting and cultivating the anti-intellectual and anti-elitist side of the Republican party," Steinhorn said. "She's trying to salvage her reputation, so she attacks the messenger."

Perhaps that is true, but personally I don't give her that much credit for intelligence.

I think she is simply addicted to being the center of media attention and cannot stand it when she is not being interviewed or talked about.

For instance in a recent example Sarah Palin was attending her daughter's basketball game at the Wasilla Sports Center. When a freelance reporter showed up and asked her if she was willing to give an interview she only hesitated for a moment before agreeing. Essentially she was drawn to the camera like a moth to a flame.

I firmly believe that ANYBODY could get a Sarah Palin interview. The next time you see her just hold up your cell phone, press record, and ask her some questions. I bet you a dollar she will respond.

If you have any doubts about my conclusions then this should help convince you:

"It's all about the family," she said. "I'm wired in a way that I can take the criticism. I can take the shots. But any mother would want to protect their children from lies and scandalous reporting."

Let me remind you that it was Sarah who trotted her kids out on stage during the McCain campaign. It was Sarah who announced to the world that daughter Bristol was pregnant to end the speculation that she was not Trig's birth mother. It was Sarah who called People magazine out of the blue to complain that Bristol and Levi were not high school dropouts (which they are), and that interview resulted in Levi losing his job as an apprentice carpenter on the North Slope.

If Palin had REALLY wanted the press to stop accusing her of not being Trig's mom she would have produced a birth certificate and perhaps a picture of her holding her newborn while in a hospital bed. (Every proud mother has one of those.) But instead she focused the bloggers and media's attention on the pregnancy of daughter Bristol Palin.

Which of course brings up the next unresolved question about Palin and her family.

Supposedly Bristol gave birth to a little boy named Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, but nobody I have talked to (and trust me I have talked to EVERYBODY!) has seen this child! And so far, as of today January 21st, there is not ONE photograph of this mystery baby.

So let me call bullshit on Sarah Palin's whining about unfair coverage of her family.

If she really wanted it to stop she could have made it stop any damn time she wanted.

What she really wants is requests for interviews, newspaper articles written about her, and blog posts like this one.

If Sarah Palin would like the opportunity to confront the one person who is most responsible for all of her negative coverage, then I suggest she walk into one of the bathroom of her Wasilla home and look in the mirror.

There Governor, that is the culprit!


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I was struck during the interview with Glenn Beck. When he talked about her grandchild she said nada, zip about him. It was bizarre.
    I could not watch the whole interview.
    Beck and Palin are so much alike that it is sickening. They deserve each other.
    And if she uses the phrase "progress this nation" one more time I will scream!

  2. I think she keeps talking about the media messing with her family because she knows that "Tripp" does not exist. She is deflecting. A typical Republican stragety. Something big is about to go down.

  3. What happened yesterday?? Who was in the news?? What was in the news again today?? Hey, we can't let 2 days with "That One" in the news.. I have to get my name in the paper before his is in there too many days in a row... whine, cry, whine, are so mean to me.. She didn't get enough attention from the Beck interview.. cause no one can stand him and no one really watches him. So she had to do something.. why else do you think she went on there Monday..the DAY BEFORE the inauguration? To try to take away from Pres. Obama's ( I love typing that) big day...that's why..well it didn't she had to do something else, to get her name in the paper today, because heaven help us if she lets 3 days go by with his name out front and not hers somewhere...that's why I have ignored her.

  4. Gryphen, has anyone seen Bristol since Tripp's "birth?" That's something I'm curious about... Sarah Palin is a famewhore just like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.

  5. Anonymous7:57 PM

    It's a pretty tall order to produce pictures, or ANY documentation, for a pretend baby!

  6. The best question is and will remain....where the hell is Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston...really, where is he? My brother speculated at the time that Sarah announced Bristol's pregnancy on 9/1/2008 that there would be no Bristol baby in December 2008 as it was just a deflection; just a move to prove that Bristol could not have had Trig. I now wonder if he was not correct in his assumption as we've only seen words and not physical proof that there is a Tripp. I am starting to think that either Tripp and Bristol are in hiding, or Sarah is still using this to milk the national media and keep herself relevant. Either way, I do believe truth will come out at some point, even if it is 20 years from now.

  7. I don't think Tripp exists. Either he has not been born yet, or he never existed to begin with!

    And I don't think Sarah cares about her family, at least not on the same level as average normal Moms care about theirs. Her family is nothing but campaign props to her.

    She has nerve, complaining about the media picking on her kids---seems to me, she's the one dragging them into all these publicity-wh0re interviews of hers!

    She seriously needs to STFU!

  8. IF she gives up the Trig thing, shows a certified birth certificate/photo, and has the umbilical cord to boot, the buzz would die down and the curiousity would be satiated.

    IF she/Bristol/Levi give up those photos of Tripp, along with same amount of proof as for Trig, the buzz would die down, the curiousity would be satiated.

    And then where oh where would Sarah be? She'd be left on her own "merits" as a governor to gain solid footing within her own party the old fashioned way: EARNING IT BY FAITHFULLY EXECUTING THE OFFICE OF GOVERNOR COMPETENTLY, ETHICALLY AND WITH A BIT OF EFFING HUMILITY.

    DAMN IT! This woman is SO bad for my blood pressure AND my liver. I need a drink. Who's buyin'?

  9. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Hey, Gryphen,

    I know you read these before you post, so I wanted to send a note saying that the Sarah Palin Blog...okay, they put her HOME ADDRESS on there! Listen, I'm NO fan, but that is DUMB! I mean, you never know WHAT kind of whack job will see that and just suddenly arrive on her doorstep. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity. I mean, you'd THINK that would be the kind of stuff Palin would be outraged about. An anonymous blogger listing sensitive information on the governor and her family's residence.

  10. She belongs on FOX news. that would give her the attention she craves and it would keep her away from the White House.

    FOX would be doing a public service to offer her a job.


    Thought you might enjoy this!

  12. Anonymous9:30 AM

    She is desperate to get any press attention for one simple reason right now...if Tripp has been born, she is trying to whip up interest in someone coming forward and offering Bristol big bucks for the first pictures of the baby. Follow the money.


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