Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The video that simply must be posted on this historic day. "Yes We Can" by Will I AM.

I still cannot watch this without tearing up.

I sent it to EVERYBODY I knew.

When my daughter watched it she immediately decided that she was an Obama supporter, and she was not the only one touched by the powerful words and beautiful music in this music video.

What an amazing day. What an amazing man. What an amazing moment in our history.


  1. WHA-HOOO!!!! It's a new day...

  2. I think this one is great...but I also like the one he did after the election as well or better. It's a New Day... it is great too.

  3. Whoa, wow-zee, that's got all the goosebumps pingin. Ouch.
    i'll be passing it along.

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I like the Dave Stewart one, American Prayer. When it got to the bit with MLK's speech I got all teary, cried like a baby. Check it out.

  5. Oh trust me Anonymous, I have seen it. And I love it too.


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