Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jon Stewart discusses Obama's speech to Congress, and the Republican's pathetic rebuttal.

First Obama gives us the hard facts decorated with sprinkles of hopefulness.

And then Republican Bobby Jindal brings out his creepy cruising for for high school girls personality.

That guy is the future of the Republican party? Wow, no wonder they keep hoping Sarah Palin gets smarter!


  1. I laughed till I cried.. I love Jon Stewart.. He can just nail it.. no doubt about it.

    He is just SPOT ON!!!

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Jon Stewart is a rock star...I love the "besweatered friend to trolley people" line.

    We have just seen the end of Jindal's political career from our televisions.

    There were so many things wrong with that speech you caould literally spend days dissecting it. The worst was that fact that the story he told about rescuing people with the sherriff was a lie, and the beaurecrats he was supposedly fighting with were from a REPUBLICAN administration.

  3. Best line ever..."milfy wolf huntress" to describe the Guv.

  4. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Bah hahahahahaha! Jon Stewart always gets it!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.