Sunday, February 15, 2009

Palin goes to Fairbanks for end of Iron Dog and has Gettysburg address butchered in her honor.

You have all heard the Gettysburg address haven't you? It goes something like this:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war.

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government : of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

It was delivered by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863, during the American Civil War, four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the Confederacy at the decisive Battle of Gettysburg, and is considered by many to be the most important speech every delivered by a President of the United States.

No politician in their right mind would dare mock, or allow to mocked in their presence, a speech as revered as this one by perhaps our greatest President. No one that is except Sarah Palin.

In keeping with the Lincoln Bicentennial theme, Gov. Sarah Palin was introduced with a revised, Alaska version of the Gettysburg Address at Saturday night’s Lincoln Day Dinner hosted by Fairbanks Republican Women.

“Two score and five years ago,” intoned moderator Ralph Seekins to a capacity crowd in the Edgewater Room at the Princess Riverside Lodge, instantly perking up the ears of people familiar with the real address.

And as Seekins humorously transposed the words to fit the Republican governor, the crowd responded with laughter and applause.

“That all women can do what they set their minds to, whether it be running for governor, the vice presidency or field dressing a caribou. ...

“Few will remember what we ate here but never what she said here, or some, in the media what she wears here.”

“And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from Alaska.”

Look I understand that Sarah Palin is not terribly well educated, and does not have a lot of class, but what kind of a moron allows this famous speech by Abraham Lincoln to be ridiculed the day before we celebrate his memory? I mean seriously how completely out of touch must you be?

She should have absolutely refused to participate if she knew before hand that Ralph Seekins was going to modify this speech, and if she did not know then she should have immediately apologized for it right after she heard it. That would have been the appropriate response.

Oh but her participation in the abuse of the memory of Abraham Lincoln did not end there. Oh no.

Like Lincoln, who was interested in building transportation infrastructure such as roads, railroads and harbors, Palin said, so too are Alaskans in developing the same infrastructure as well as opening up more federal land.

“We’ve got to let the federal government know we can responsibly and safely develop our natural resources,” she said.

Palin extolled Republicans as knowing how to run their businesses and families best and never becoming a slave to big government.

“We need to turn it around so government is working for us,” she said.

So Governor Palin seems to think that the lessons of Abraham Lincoln are to continue to drill great holes in the Alaska wilderness and ignore the the needs of the indigenous people in favor of earning the government large sums of money from an industry that is contributing to the death of our planet? Is that what Sarah Palin learned by reading about Abraham Lincoln, the great emancipator?

This woman once again proves herself to be completely without any sense of shame or common decency. And do you know what, this is not even the worst part. The worst part of this entire debacle is that the only reason Governor Palin even showed up to this little soiree is so that she could travel to Fairbanks and meet her husband as he finished his little snowmachine race ON THE STATE'S DIME! Now she can charge the citizens of Alaska for the airfare because by giving a speech it becomes state business! Can you believe that shit?

And not only that she had to drag a FOX News crew up there with her!

Okay my fellow Alaskans are we done yet? Have we had enough? Don't you feel it is time we did something and took our state out of the hands of this trainwreck of a Governor? Because by God I do!


  1. Do you know that this was charged to the state? Because it was a Republican event, I would think it would be charged to the party or a sub-organization. Isn't this why she started her PAC?

    sandra in oregon

  2. Well sandra if Palin did not have the state pay for this trip, it would mark the first time she has not been reimbursed for attending this race.

    Just last night i met with a number of progressive bloggers and we were wondering out loud what function she would attend in Fairbanks that would allow her to bill the state for meeting up with Todd.

  3. "Palin extolled Republicans as knowing how to run their businesses and families best and never becoming a slave to big government.."

    Yeah, that's why Republican strongholds like the Deep South are the poorest in the nation, and need/take the most from the Feds to help support their constituents.

    I'm beginning to be a little incensed at Palin's insistence that "we can responsibly and safely develop our natural resources" as if drilling for oil in the ANWR is a state concern (profit), not a federal one (preserving wildlife, etc.).

    She should be speaking as if she's the steward of a resource for ALL US citizens, not a hoarder of that resource for Alaskans. The ANWR is administered by the US Fish & Wildlife Service; has 4 Congressionally designated management areas; and was created by a Public Land Order signed by Pres. Eisenhower before Alaska became a state.

    As for not having any sense of shame or decency, this is the woman who giggled and approved that talk show host's cruel disparagement of Lyda Greene a year ago, when he called Greene, a cancer survivor, "a cancer".

    (hoo, boy, my word verification this time is "extessee" -- fans self!)

  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Relax, I revere Lincoln, too, but the Gettysburg Address will survive. I was thinking of how one might compare Sarah Palin with Lincoln, and it isn't easy. One could say that Lincoln was an honest, homely man whose words revealed a beautiful soul, while Sarah Palin ....

  5. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Sarah's stupidity never disappoints...she really "brings it" on each and every occassion.

    Palin will not be happy until she turns Alaska into a strip mine. I say we plop an oil rig in that lake in her backyard and wherever the hell Toad's salmon fishing business is. The only wildlife Sarah likes is the kind she can chop up and cook in her chili.

    Yeah, she knows how to run her family...juvenile deliquents, high school dropouts, and pregnant teenagers...if that's the Republican way, we are all doomed. She's such an hypocritical asshole.

  6. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Well, if I'm not mistaken, all republicans believe they can hatchet any famous speech they want to benefit themselves, because...well....they're republicans! Yup, see? And if you need to verify this, just ask a republican. They'll tell ya it's true.

  7. FW, i think todd's fishing "business" is in bristol bay -another reason SP should have been aware of what the poor season could mean for the villages MONTHS ago.

    regardless, bristol bay doesn't need anything else to challenge its fish stocks. and todd's REALLY an oil-man, not a fisherman, anyway.

  8. I completely agree with the fact that no person should adulterate the Gettysburg address. Spinning a national shrine such as this is nothing more than cheap politics.
    However; have you been paying attention to the references of our national politicians?
    This weekend was a great opportunity for the Obomanites to compare our new president to a former great president. They have seized that opportunist moment and in doing so, have sullied a great leaders accomplishments.
    What happened to our leaders relying on the outcome of their actions? If they need to compare their goals with the accomplishments of tried and true former leaders, then it is not change they seek. It is status quo.
    This voter is tired of neuvo politicians trying to justify their actions based on our founding fathers actions. Lincoln answered the call to serve our nation at the request of his community, not a desire to find a carrier or at the behest of lobbyists.
    One founding father once said, " the man who seeks office the most, deserves it the least."
    Think about it.

  9. Anonymous5:30 PM


  10. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Gryhen, as soon as I saw this on "newsminer" I wondered if it would qualify as a per deium, lol...You guys (progressive blogges) have beat me on it, lol!
    Anyone know how far ahead she was booked for this? Or was this something cooked up b/c dud was losing this year (too many eyes on him he couldn't cheat this year...)
    So wouldn't be colecting any $?
    And yes, she is despicable, showing up there with Faux news, you know Greta won't ask "Gotcha" questions about the villages...
    all that gas wasted on a stupid snowmobile race while people who really need/depend on the snowmobile for groceries & hunting can barely afford to use them.

  11. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Ok fellow Alaskan’s, why are we giving ANY attention to a washed up, middle aged snow machiner named Dud Palin? Hey Palin’s, the Iron dog is your family hobby, and should be treated as such. Palin’s you go on your own dime, and your own time. Does anyone really care about the Iron Dog? Wait someone cares; It is Greta Van Stupid trying to stay afloat, and not go down with the sinking Palin ship. Greta move on, the Palin’s are soon to be fish bait, and so is your reputation! Hey a shout out to all of ‘the’ Dud’s entourage, “you are not news worthy”! Oh and um Sarah, the Iron Dog is not a state funded event; don’t think for one minute that we were fooled by your little escapade to Fairbanks, how convenient! Just one more thing Sarah Palin, you owe McCain an apology, I did not vote for him because of you!

  12. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Suggestion for theme of next speech:

    "Ask not what Sarah can do for her country; ask what her country can do for Sarah."

  13. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Hey, if you missed seeing SP's at the Lincoln Day Dinner in Fairbanks, you can catch her at the Anchorage Dinner:

    Event: Anchorage Lincoln Day DinnerDate: Friday, March 20, 2009Time: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM


    Anchorage Lincoln Day Dinner
    March 20th
    Anchorage Hilton Hotel

    Keynote: Gov. Sarah Palin

    Silent Auction
    Bring Your Checkbooks!!!!
    (Cost $75 Per Ticket)

  14. Ahh, yes, "progressive" bloggers. More like a meeting of the Palin Derangement Syndrome Foundation, if you ask me. I'm sure you all are busy protesting the Presidents Days Sales going on all over the country tomorrow which always features ad with Lincoln and Washington on them, some in cartoon form. No, probably not. I've heard the Gettysburg Address changed around for these ads, too, by the way. Where have you been all these years while that's been going on? It only matters to you now because it has something to do with Gov. Palin. It gives you something else about her that you can foam at the mouth about.

    You are a pathetic lot.

    Get back on your meds, go out and get some fresh air (that is, if the attendants will let you out on the grounds) and maybe, just maybe, get a life.

  15. i think Greg has hit ay least one nail on the head.
    These things have been spun and commercialized for far too long.
    It is easy to shine the spotlight on the current flavor of the day. Reality is that this stuff has been going on for far to long.
    Hold them all to the same standard, or quit your bitchin.
    Nuff said

  16. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Sound like there is just a little jealousy form "progressive" bloggers with regards to Governor Palin's popularity across the state. I've always wondered why "progressives" believe in the backward socialist policies that have ruined Europe. Is this really "progresssive"???? or very outdated and not viable?

  17. Anonymous7:21 PM

    wow, you are reall scorned my dear idiot--Sarah didnt make that speech some one else did in honor of it Being Abes bday, didnt know was Abes bday and I will accept that but your stupidity is beyond ignorance---was it ok to have an Arab parade around and ride the cho cho train and pretend he is a famous President, throw away a gift from England in honor of 9-11 so he could put kiddie pics in the Oval office?

    obama won cause the idiots got led to the poles bt ACORN , just think, you great obama isnt giving you a check nany nany

  18. Anonymous7:25 PM

    As someone noted elsewhere:

    It seems we need to update the Gettysburg address for Alaska: "...and that government of the Palin/Heaths, by the Palin/Heaths, for the Palin/Heaths, shall not perish from the earth."

  19. Hey everyone.

    Take a moment to welcome our new visitors from TeamSarah.

    This post has brought them out in droves. LOL!

  20. Anonymous7:53 PM

    You think it is bad here? I just went to Gretawire and it is swarming with these idiots. They do not want to be informed. It is kind of you, Gryphen, to let them voice their lunacy - I posted 3 views on Gretawire (and I was very polite), but since they were slightly critical of Palin, they were removed within minutes.

  21. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Do you know what is really sacrilegieous? When a socialist democrat views himself similar to President Lincoln. Hello?? President Linclon was a Republican, as was Martin Luther King. Both would abhor the prostitution of their image that is occuring presently. Both have turned over 827 billion times in their graves. Maybe even 1.2 trillion times.

  22. gyrphen-

    oh those palinites, so sweet, so trusting, so naive, how many of them do you think live in alaska? how many have even visited up there for a day, a week, or more (all i myself can claim)?

    just remember, teamsarah is a self described 60 thousand out of 300 million+ "real americans" (that's all of us baby!) they just keep loving her because she is as dim-witted as they are, it gives them hope. a classic case of "the blind leading the blind." so cute, so sad. -poor little infantile minds....

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous8:42 PM

    This is the funniest crap I have read all day!

    Somebody else is having fun, and introducing the Governor of Alaska (the most popular Governor in America) and you "progressives" lose it.


    And yet, the Chicago thug you simple minded fools elected actually THINKS he's Lincoln!

    He is the most incompetent human being to ever walk the face of this earth, ever!

    First, he's totally lost control of government, Nancy Pelosi is the president, not him.

    Then he doesn't have enough sense to pick a cabinet that isn't full of crooks and tax dodgers, all the while his idiot savant VP is telling everyone that it's "patriotic to pay taxes".

    Well, then it's official then. Obama's cabinet are the most UN-PATRIOTIC people in America!

    And to top it off, Obama has NOW managed to insult the hell out of our longest, most trusted ally, Great Britain, when the dumbass sent the bust of Winston Churchill, loaned to us as a gesture of solidarity after 9/11, back to the British, with NO explanation!

    Way to make the world love us moron!

    And after a whole 4 weeks of being the worst president in the history of the entire world, he and his baby momma just had to take a 4 day vacation.

    At this point he's spent as much time gone from 1600 as there.

    The only one who is happy with deal is Jimmy Carter, who with no longer be our worst president ever! Hell, Carter is dancin' in the streets over this!!

    As for Palin, ever other state WISHES they has someone as sharp as her.

  25. gary, poor dear, see my post one above yours.

  26. Look Gary don't play with me.

    Are you saying that there are other states that would SERIOUSLY consider taking Palin off of our hands?

    Could you possibly send their contact information? We are DESPERATE to get he out of our state while there is still something to salvage.

    Believe me no serious offer will be ignored.

    Wow this is the best news I have heard in a while!

  27. okay, kids. so sweet. Team Sarah hardons and everything. now, fun's over. get back on your meds before Nurse Ratched finds you surfing the net for porn. seriously. you go on now, and leave all the serious heavy lifting for those who HAVE TO SUFFER THIS STUPID WOMAN FOR REALS!

  28. not that I suffer her, mind you. thanks be to GOD for that one. no offense, Gryph. we've got the old koot she ran with. war hero, yes. long over due for retirement, absolutely.

  29. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Why bless your hearts! The twit in the WH 'thinks' he is Lincoln, JFK and MLK. The Clintons sold nuclear secrets to the Chinese sometime around when Bill's internship came in. General Pelosi just had to get that blamed stimulus bill off her mind so she could go consor.... mingle with the folks at the G7 (who all decided they were NOT going to bail out their economies) and the kool-aid drinkers both in and out of the state think Lincoln's Gettysburg address was maligned? Smell the coffee!

  30. p.s. gryphen-

    alas, i think poor gary's wrong, dead wrong. see, i come from that "chicago thug" state that just saw our sitting junior senator become F-ING POTUS!, and our sitting governor IMPEACHED and kicked the hell out for trying to sell the now-empty seat of said junior senator (and a few other political sins).

    i actually think my state might set a precedent for getting SP out of governor's office.

    we just have to keep watching her behavior -she'll dig (deeper) her own (political) grave, y'all up in AK just have to keep tracking her fuck-ups. so go, "anonymous" bloggers, go!

  31. oh, for the record, i'm not sure burris being appointed negates the concept of "selling an empty seat..." i guess only time will tell...

  32. Anonymous12:09 AM

    fact - palin has real accomplishments
    fact -obama has no accomplishments , he is incompetent, has tendency to "vote present", is a confirmed radical, and has weak leadership qualities and it is already showing with his tax cheats, lobbyists and even plain old pay for play criminals, weak foreign policy and that generational theft porkulus act and his economic fear mongering etc.

    so why is palin smeared and obama lauded?
    those who are not obamabots should and will ask that .

  33. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Poor Greg. He's still under the illusion that George Bush was the best president in the history of America who never lied, committed a crime, or stole a dime from Americans.

    It's gotta suck being Greg, because his head is stuck so far up his arse it's being mistaken for his kidney at the moment.

  34. Just left this in another pst, let's try here...

    OMG! SP’s “unauthorized biography” is out! Written by a People reporter, who had acess to the whole famdamily! No wonder GVS has been up in the AK hood. Guess her payday is coming in after all! So, Bristol’s been living with her aunt , working two jobs, and attending a public high school?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? So, SP’s not lying in this book, because she did not actually authorize it?
    The noose is tightening!


  35. Don't think for one second that she didn't charge the state for per diem and airfare, for her AND some, or all, of her kids!

  36. Anonymous10:13 AM

    OH Gryphen! The Repulican Taliban is here soiling your great blog with Moose shit!
    Here's a little something about trolls I picked up at WhiteNoiseInsanity, that seems appropriate.....

    Typical WNI trolls….

    Don’t be afraid. It’s not only here at White Noise Insanity do the trolls look like this. They’re all morbid and vile. They’re completely harmless, though, because in actuality, they have no IQ’s, live under the front porch of the RNC, and only come out for a few seconds to spew their vile crap, in the hopes someone will pay attention to them, because they thrive on the attention, because they get none from their parents (which is so weird because most of them are sleeping with their parents!). Sooo….

    It always cracks me up with they address Barbie as Gov. hehe GINO!
    Gov. in name only!
    As far as Obama? I didn't hear you say anything about PO. PRESIDENT OBAMA! That's the next thing they bitch about. Get over it, You REPUBLICAN TALIBAN you LOST!!!!
    You keep holding on to the last 8 years of FAILED polices.
    Go Babble on Hot Air, or Greta wire.

  37. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Crystal Wolf...last week a Republican congressman was quoted as saying his party was going to be insurgent like the Taliban, opposing Obama at every turn, which really is the perfect description.

    The Taliban is a theological dictatorship which relies on extreme religious views, fear mongering and hatred to stay in power...just like...wait for it...Bush and Cheney! They invade without cause, oppress women, and let the poor and downtrodden do their dirty work (much like our soldiers in Iraq).

    With that said...Obama makes the rabid right crazy...they tried to paint him as a communist, socialist, and anything else they could think of to stay in power. Their tactics only work on the poor uneducated slobs who still support them, because they believe everything Hannity, Rush, Beck, and O'Reilly spoon feed them every night on Fox News.

  38. Anonymous2:32 PM

    FW said...

    Crystal Wolf...last week a Republican congressman was quoted as saying his party was going to be insurgent like the Taliban, opposing Obama at every turn, which really is the perfect description.
    I heard that too! Up to then I was calling them "American Taliban" but have amended to Republican Taliban, which is a perfect description for their dying obstructionist party!
    Right on FW I agree with everything you say!!!

  39. The whole affair was fun and everyone present enjoyed the genuinely funny comments made. Governor Palin spoke well and as usual her points were on target as she leads well and gives a demonstration to the rest of the country as to how a state should be governed. I notice there are many Palin haters here and I'm sure each of you has your own agenda and reason to feel the way you do. But you are in a very small minority, so you might as well enjoy each other's company and continue whining to yourselves.


  40. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Gary, thank you for your post! These Palin haters are really afraid of her.

    Palin 2012!

  41. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Funny how these tiny group of Palin haters are getting their knickers into a twist over Gov Palin - the MOST popular Gov in AMERICA!

    Listen up dopeys, Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN - so was MLK.

    And there is BO HUSSEIN a dummy extraordinare thinking he can fool people into thinking he's the second coming of not only some creepy Messiah but Lincoln.

    Good grief, this BO HUSSEIN is such a dummy. Heck, he cannot even put together a Cabinet without trying to employ CROOKS and TAX CHEATS!!


  42. Anonymous7:02 PM

    It will be so interesting to read the babble from Obama supporters in a year from now, when the country is destitute. I think most will wake up and turn on Obama to help get this country back on track. I'm sure the devout Obama followers will still insist it's Bush's fault. They will never admit that the billions Obama is wasting is a problem. It's going to get tough for Obama fans, so enjoy your delusions now.
    You will be a minority soon.

  43. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Yup, anonytrolls, the Republican Taliban has you exactly where they want fear of everything and hating everyone not like you, ready for the end of the world. You prove my point beautifully with you nonsensical posts full of Fox News talk.

    Like I have said and your ilk have ensured a democratic majority we will enjoy for a long time...Sarah Plain is the best thing to happen to us in a long time...she ruined McCain's run for the preidencly by exposing all the hate of the rabid right nut jobs...awesome, please keep up the comments, as they further our cause!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.