Friday, February 13, 2009

Question of the hour.

Why is Greta Van Sustern in Alaska?

And who is she set up to interview in the Ann Stevens room at the Loussac Library in Anchorage?

Stay tuned for the answers. (Damn I cannot believe I have to watch FOX News tonight!)

Update: According to Sustern's blog she is visiting in Anchorage and then heading up to Fairbanks. Isn't that interesting? Isn't Fairbanks the final destination of the Iron Dog Snowmobile Race? I do believe that it is.

I also just saw a teaser which explains everything. According to what I just saw Greta is going to interview Governor Sarah, Todd Palin, and Bristol Palin.

Bristol Palin? OMFG!

Yep, according to FOX News Greta is going to ask Bristol how she feels about being a teenage mother. Well now that is very interesting.

This can only be Palin's attempt to finally put an end to the rumors swirling around about the lack of a Tripp Palin sighting. Does this mean that we will finally get a chance to see the latest family addition? I guess we will have to wait and see.

From the rumors I have heard I am not sure how they will pull this off.


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I think Greta's got a crush on Todd.

  2. Anonymous7:05 PM

    I think Greta's got a crush on Sarah.

  3. Maybe it's been long enough that Tripp Palin has actually been born? (according to the classic double-teenage-pregnancy conspiracy timeline)

  4. omg...
    this is great...keep us posted..
    I think greta will do anything to get out of the Fox studio ( AKA Hell..)

  5. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Let's just say it how it is. Greta is an idiot. nuff said. Sue me, Greta.

  6. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Does anyone else find it strange that you have to have a national news person come to Alaska to get rid of a rumor about the existance of a baby? The woman is weird, Palin that is.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Considering the deceptive practices of this family, I wouldn't put it past them to have "borrowed" a prop baby from somewhere... I want to see the medical records and have a statement by the attending medical personnel.

  8. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Anon @ 9:42 : My thoughts exactly!
    By now, I cannot believe ANYTHING the GINO is claiming to be true. Even if she were to say the sky is blue, when the sun shines, I would have to check to make sure! :(

    Nothing short of an official Birth Certificate - stating date and time, and mother, with a signed statement of the attending doctor -would suffice for me by now.
    It is just too easy for the Palins to get a prop for the photo-op, and Greta would gush all over and believe everything she sees and hears anyway...

  9. maybe she'll borrow a kid from that crazy fat-lips, the octomom!

  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Sarah is a total trip. Just when she starts coming under fire for Emmonak, Talis Colberg's resignation, that psycho press conference, Subpeonagate, Emailgate, etc...real political issues she should be answering for, she decides to throw her teenage daughter into the forefront again to distract from her abysmal governing.

    It won't work this time Granny...she is too much..a week goes by and more Americans are out of work, Alaskan natives are surving on donated food and fuel, and you are busy chatting with your BFF Greta. Does anyone else in Alaska see they hyprocrisy of it all???

  11. What happened to "Leave my children alone"?

    Just the other day at her 'press avail' she tried to start that rant again and the reporter cut her off. He pretty much told her she uses her own children to deflect criticism. Guess she's to thick to have gotten the message.

    Whenever she gets uncomfortable she tosses one of her children in front of her.

    Where's child protective services when you need them?!

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    They are just trying to distract you from recent news about Palin's British relatives.

  13. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Greta Van Susern? The apologist for Scientology? Like I credit her for any kind of news?
    Enuf to send me back to bed.

  14. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Funny you should bring up the birth certificate issue. No one (except a few loonies) cares about the birth certificate of an Alaskan baby. Half the country wants to see the President's birth certificate! He has paid millions to keep it hidden. I can't bring myself to trust that man.

  15. Anonymous12:30 PM

    You want to talk about deceptive?!?! Let's chat about Obama's campaign promises, his cabinet choices, his appearance of being the world's savior, his porkulus bill that will bankrupt our country and not help the economy one bit -- but it's an emergency!!

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anon...get over this Notalib in disguise?

    Apparently Greta is the first person outside of the Heath/Palin/Johnston families to see the magical mysterious baby TRipp...from her blog:

    As you might have guessed, there are many changes in the Palin family since November 4….including a new member of the family Tripp. We just met Tripp….and interviewed several family members. We are now headed to the finish line of the Iron Dog race….

  17. Anonymous1:36 PM

    What, no defense for Obama's deceptions? Guess that's because there aren't any. He has had a horrible first 3 weeks, and I suspect things will go downhill from here. Hopefully our country will be salvageable in 4 years. No time to worry about a baby in Alaska. Our country has much bigger concerns.

  18. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Cry me a river. What deception do you speak of? Barack Obama's been horrible? Then why are his approval rating's so high, and why are the republican's approval ratings so low? Almost 50 million people tuned in to watch Barack Obama's press conference (even the haters), and he still draws huge crowds where ever he goes! George W. Bush already screwed up this country. George W. Bush was hated sooo much all over the world, (because of his actions)someone threw shoes at him! The shoe thrower was considered a hero by many! If 'W' was so great, the republicans would have won the election, and he would not have left office with a 22%-27% approval rating! Some of Barack Obama's cabinet picks were a mistake, but at least none of them are WAR CRIMINALS like George W. Bush, and his crew! Now, that's deception! And despite what you just said, HALF of the country does not give a damn about Barack Obama's birth certificate, other than psychopathic, marginalized, knuckle-dragging, freepers, like you! PRESIDENT Obama was born in Hawaii! Get over it! And if HALF the country cared so much, then why did he have that landslide victory in November? And, don't even try bringing up A.C.O.R.N. That was voter REGISTRATION fraud, which happens all the time, and with other voter registration places. Voter registration fraud is not the same as 'VOTER FRAUD'. And the A.C.O.R.N. voter REGISTRATION fraud only included about a few hundred thousand (maybe up to 1,000,000) phony voter registrations. Barack Obama won the popular vote by more than 9,000,000 votes. But I wouldn't expect an anti-intellectual, brain-dead, like you, to understand anything I just posted. That's one of the reasons you people on the right call us
    liberals 'elitist', because we're smarter than you! You probably don't even really know what an 'elitist' is. Neither does Sarah Palin. She is an elitist, and does not even realize it. For starters, she is a governor. She became even more an elitist, when she ran for vice- president. And, oh, you are aware that John McCain was not born in the U.S., right? He was born in Panama! Oh, the hypocrisy! You are so transparent. The birth certificate is just an excuse. That is not the real problem you people have with him. You people are stuck in a time warp! You are going to hate him no matter what, so who cares what you think? But more than HALF of the country does want George W. Bush investigated for his war crimes! You repigs take your cues from a caricature on the radio, that being Rush Limbaugh! Rush Limbaugh is YOUR messiah! You people go on, and on, about not being able to trust Barack Obama, well, we on the left (and even some on the right) felt the same way about John McCain and Sarah Palin! Sarah Palin scared the crap out of people all over the world! I don't care about Sarah Palin or her family! I wish she would just go away! This is the first time I ever heard of 'Tripp-gate'! I'm sick of Greta Van Sustern! Another Palin story! She is obsessed with the Palins! It may come as a shock to you, but 95% of us on the left are are not interested in the rumours going around about Sarah Palin's family, the way 95% of you people on the right are obsessed with Barack Obama's birth certificate! Palin's only problem is "anonymous bloggers". You people have actually been bothering the courts with the birth certificate crap, for months! Barack Obama and his family get death threats, (from your side, no doubt!) And, barack obama has been quite the gentleman despite the garbage he has to deal with! Barack Obama is safer in other countries, than he is here! I bet Palin and her family don't have to deal with that! Your kind constantly remind us that Barack Obama is not YOUR president. Yeah? We get it! We liberals said the same thing about George W. Bush! I'm glad you are so unhappy. Now you know how we on the left felt 'W'
    was 'selected' by the U.S. supreme court!

  19. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Dear anonymous: Hopefully our country is still salvageable now. Please address all bitching, pissing, whining, and complaints about your job, the economy, friends you know who are soldiers with body parts missing, gas prices, and any other f-ed up situation to:

    Ex-President George W. Bush
    2121 Fancy Pants Circle
    Lotsacash, TX

    Or call him: 1-800-SUCKERS

  20. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Uhhh, sorry AnonyTrolls, but President Obama did release his birth certificate from Hawaii and it was confirmed as authentic by the REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR OF HAWAII, LINDA LINGLE!

    Nice try, though, in trying to spread more lies about Obama and trying to chalk him up as the same as Caribou Barbie or George Bush. Not going to happen! Two different horses, I'm afraid!

  21. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Anony-trolls...To the point about Limbaugh...not only is he a bloated caricature of the typical anti-intellectual Republican, he is also a white trash hillbilly heroin snortin, oxycontin addicted a-hole. And that, my friend is a fact nobody can argue.

    I equate the Sarah Palin nonsense to entertainment for the most part, she is tragically funny.I mean this woman has all the makings of a Jerry Springer episode...pregnant teenager, drug dealing in-laws, and scandal after scandal. To use her own term she is "great theater". Unfortunately, she is the sitting governor of a state that has real people living in it with real problems that she refuses to address. Many people and animals are now at risk because of her incompetency. I am not Alaskan, but the people she is supposed to be serving deserve better than a complete idiot for a governor, and we as a nation should be very skeptical about her future aspirations.

  22. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Exactly FW. Well said. ;-)

  23. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I went through the travel reports and put it together with the timelines that we had and it has all of the answers. It is so clear what happened. Who was where...and at what school. It is complete and leaves NO DOUBT when and who gave birth to Trig.

    I am so excited!! I have copied the timeline to this link:

    We've got it! Now I am going to send to off to every media outlet I can think of!! Including... and especially... Alaskan Daily News!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.