Saturday, February 21, 2009

Senators Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski discuss the new Stimulus Bill.

While I am not very impressed that Murkowski voted against this stimulus bill, choosing partisanship over the needs of Alaska, I am at least pleased to see that she is not a complete obstructionist like Governor Palin.

If Senator Murkowski is smart she will stick close by Mark Begich and use his popularity and Democratic connections to gain some non-partisan appeal.


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I am so glad that Sen. Begich got it on the record that the republicans had an opportunity to work on the bill in committee. To hear them talk in the media, they had no input. The sad thing is that many conservatives believe it because they have absolutely no knowledge of how Congress is structured, and do not know that most of the work is done in committees, and the committees are always bipartisan so that the interests of all citizens are represented through their senators and house members. I lay the blame for the recent uproar over the stimulus package squarely at the feet of the senators and reps who did not tell the truth about how the final form of the package came to fruition. They have no idea how volatile the economic situation is. People living in desperate times deserve to know the truth. Furthermore, if I could speak to all of the poseurs, I'd ask them, "What is your solution?" and "Prove to me from an economics point of view that your plan will work." This is what they are demanding of President Obama, and I feel that turn-about is fair play. If you don't have all of the answers because you are as confused about a situation as anyone else, shut up, and at least let someone else try something. They know tax cuts don't work. They've used that approach before, and since they insist it is the solution this time too, they come off as being dumber than dead tree stumps. The money for the tax cuts also has to be borrowed and repaid.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    majii:great post! My Boyfriend told me the other night I was sleep ranting about 'effing GINO" and "republican Taliban" and stimulus bill, lol! He said, "it was like you were blogging, only asleep"!!!
    It is so fucking aggravating "the party of NO" Like you said we are in a bad way, 8 yrs of failed economic policies and they want to say "no" and then they can say PO failed.
    It makes my blood boil and I bet anyday GINO will announce she is not taking the stimulus...! Hope the voters remember that!

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    What's so great about Begich getting together with the Repugnants and compromising Obama's stimulus package?

    Begich was right there leading the charge to preserve no changes to capital gains taxes, cut education funding and student loan help, cutting science, cutting climate actions, cutting help for the poor and cutting healthcare.

    When you look at only his vote for the eventual cut down stimulus package, you don't show where Begich applied his efforts to help the Repugnants screw it up.


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