Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shannyn Moore provides video of Sarah Palin embarrassing our state again.

Okay so a few minutes ago I get this phone call from Shannyn.

"Gryph, you have GOT to come to my site and see the videos I posted from the Sarah Palin press conference today!"

So I visit her site and HOLY CRAP! You have to see this to believe it!

Here Governor Sarah takes a call from an Alaskan asking her what she has done for the villages, like Emmonak, that are struggling to survive this harsh winter.

So did you get that? She sent them a "message". How many bellies does her "message" fill? How much heat does her "message" provide for the people huddled together in those poorly constructed houses trying to stay warm? Un-fucking believable!

Then she gets asked about the recent resignation of Attorney General Talis Colberg. (The source of much celebrating by our progressive blogging community!)

Oh my God! Somebody finally called her on the fact that she considers every question concerning her actions as Governor to be a PERSONAL ATTACK! Oh this is too good! And then she totally pretends she did not understand the question, at least I THINK she was pretending.

And did you notice how quickly she brought up her children to deflect criticism? Nobody was even talking about her kids!

Did anybody else hear the music from the movie "Psycho" during her answers?

Well I simply have to include this last one as Governor Sarah is asked how she feels about people donating up to a million dollars to Planned Parenthood in her honor.

All in all I am guessing this was not one of Sarah Palins' favorite days as Governor.

And isn't it gratifying to see our Legislators, reporters, and citizens finally starting to put it to Caribou Barbie? God I know I love it!

I owe this entire post to my good friend Shannyn Moore so please click the title and go on over to feast your eyes on her rant about this press conference.


  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Gryphen for these video clips. It finally seems as if some people in AK are getting fed up with SP's evasive tactics and are NOW willing to call her on them.
    In the last clip how did she get from responding to a question about planned parenthood to making a statement about anti-hunting groups? I'm hearing a few loose screws rattling round in a tin can. Please continue to keep us in the lower 48 informed, meanwhile, I'm going to stock up on popcorn and soda 'cause the show is beginning to gear up!

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I applaud the Alaska press corps for asking pointed questions and sticking with them - it can't be that easy in an environment where you are ushered into a room and sat down at a table. A clear tactic to promote "polite" conversation and not a long overdue grilling from the 4th estate.

    BS is obviously practicing for a future in big-time politics. After years as Gov and more years as a politician, she's getting all grown up on her 45th B-day!

    Happy B-day Sarah. Remember dear, it is your theatrical politics that spawn the political theater you dismiss.

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Plain lies again.

    The rumors around the capitol building are that:

    1. Colberg was asked to write a letter to French denouncing the resolution holding Palin family and staff in contempt.

    Did you notice how the governor- when asked- starts dissembling- staff answers- and there is never a clear answer as to whether someone asked that a letter be written.. The fact that she did not immediately say no is telling.
    2. Supposed Chuck AND Sally Heath then called Colberg asking him to do something. That was the final straw.

    It is also telling that Palin never saus she tried to get him to stay or anything else- "it is a personnel matter" was about it, which is usually stated when someone is fired and you don't want to say why.

  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Is she nuts? Why did she bring up her kids when nobody asked? I think she has gone off the deep end. I predict she will be gone for an extended period of time (Kansas?).

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    And have you noticed that Palin-who-thought-she-should-be-VP can't even face hometown reporters without surrounding herself in a cocoon of staffers.

    Whatever ever happened to press conferences when the governor wasn't afraid to answer questions, attended with just a few aides- and not a roomful?

  6. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Someone has to tell the guv'nor that there is more to her job description than cutting the ribbon for the grand opening of the newest doughnut shoppe. Let's hope the shock of this news won't be fatal.

  7. is it really appropriate for the governor to use a press availability re: state issues to discuss her own partisan views re: abortion? i mean, wouldn't a serious governor simply say, "Yes, I've recieved the 'thank you' notes and this isn't the venue for any further comment." a serio-- oh, that's right. we're talking about governing a la Palin style. i have i mentioned how tired i am of Palin politics as usual? yes...yes, i think i have.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    OMG! the first video, "This is Sar-Rah" was a total "let them eat cake" moment! Her contempt was so fucking obvious, like "how dare you ask that question" She is EVIL!!!!
    The other videos, she's squirming like those turkey's were before they got their heads stuffed in a cone!
    Hey Bitch if you can't stand the heat stay out of the frying pan....
    And she looks awful, too much blush, and starting to look like a "Q-tip" or bobblehead.
    But these vids are unreal, need to been seen to be believed....!

  9. Anonymous12:21 PM

    "I predict she will be gone for an extended period of time (Kansas?)."

    For the love of God, don't send her down here! We have enough wing nuts in the lower 48 already.

  10. Anonymous12:38 PM

    OMG--those clips are very telling. For one thing, she keeps swinging her chair around like she is trying to get away from the questions (since these people are actually ASKING tough questions, unlike Charlie and Katie).

    She is extremely SNIPPY, especially considering how few real answers she gives. Her tone of voice is very condescending, almost rude.

    I love the big grin when she says, "..when I talk about my CHILdren....", as if she can just change the subject and this whole messy affair will just go *poof*.

  11. As one of the people who donated to Planned Parenthood in sarah's name, I found this clip very enjoyable.

  12. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Here's the "message" that Sarah Palin has given Emmonak this week: "F-U! I'm busy doing important things, like starting snowmobile races. If I had thought your sad story was worth any PR points I would have been up there a month ago. It's not, so stop wasting my time."

  13. Anonymous8:57 PM

    EMPTY HEADED NUT JOB! And vindictive to boot.

  14. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Another Planned Parenthood donor here, who is grateful to the organization for helping to ensure that abortion is only a small percentage of the women's health services that PP provides. The majority of girls and women who go to Planned Parenthood are seeking contraception, Pap smears, diagnosis and (if needed) treatment of STDs, and more. Hard-liners like Palin insist that those crucial needs don't exist and needn't be met. Note how she also tied in the anti-hunting groups. So: killing wolves--good. Killing sperm--bad. Aha.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel


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