Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Watch as Greta Van Sustere helps the Palin Family provide further obfuscation about family scandals.

Watch as Greta guides and coaches Bristol carefully through her prepared responses.

By the way, I am pretty sure that the "best friend" Bristol refers to that blurted out she was pregnant is Mercedes Johnson, Levi's sister.

I am struck again by how that question about school really makes Bristol look uneasy. Shifting eyes tell the tale.

Greta "Do you have any idea how to raise a child?" Bristol "Yeah, because....(pause).....I have been babysitting my whole life." Almost stepped in it that time dear.

The bizarre load of crap that Greta Van Susteren flew her whole film crew up to interview Bristol Palin without getting her mother's pre-approval is an insult to our intelligence. Nobody with even a handful of working brain cells would ever buy into that premise. Governor Sarah was clearly the driving force behind this interview, and you can take that to the bank.

When Bristol gets to the part about being an "advocate" (clearly her mother's word) to help young women avoid teen pregnancy, it almost makes my heart hurt. I really do feel badly for this young woman and wish the best for her. It is really too bad that she has found her self in this situation.

The other stumbling point for Bristol in this last part of the interview was the question about Levi and "what he is doing". Bristol is a sweet kid and clearly lying to the media does not come easy.

Next up the White Queen herself, Sarah Palin.

If you closely watch Bristol's face in the beginning of this interview you can see her nervousness has increased. I think it is pretty clear that Mama Grizzly is already standing off to the side with the baby. And that her "surprise" visit is a load of moose nuggets.

As hard as it was to watch Bristol struggle through her lines, watching the strained performances of Greta and the Governor is even worse. Keep pounding home that idea that this was Bristol's idea to do an interview and talk about teen pregnancy. Maybe SOMEBODY will buy it. (Actually if you visit Gretawire you will see hundreds of these "somebodies".)

Did Sarah Palin really say that Bristol has it "easier" then many young mothers? How many teen mothers have to spend their pregnancy on the campaign trail, followed by numerous accusations, and are then forced to give an interview to cover for the lies of their parents? Easier? Really? (By the way, in Alaska we say "ideal" not "idill". I have no idea where this woman's accent comes from!)

Well if this was Caribou Barbie's way of taking our attention off of the book "Trailblazer" it worked. For today. But if she thinks we are done digging for the contradictions and lies in that book she is sorely mistaken.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Obfuscation and more oddities:
    1. Why is Bristol not breastfeeding the new baby? I have two children under the age of 6 and the advise of pediatricians these days is that breastfeeding is best for the baby.
    2. In the second clip, Sarah yammers on and says, "she can handle it...better than some of her friends can handle it" - which friend of Bristol's is she talking about. This may have been an inadvertent slip of the tongue because aren't there rumors in Wasilla that Levi has impregnated another girl.

  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    We don't know whether Bristol actually gave birth to Tripp at all. All information comes from the Palin family--so far, I haven't seen a birth certificate, hospital records, newspaper listings of birth. They also are absent for Trig, leaving the parentage of both children in doubt.

    In my opinion, during Bristol's appearance at the RNC, she looked like a postpartum mother. If she DID give birth to Tripp, and if she isn't breastfeeding, I think it's a real shame. Healthiest for mom and baby, saves a ton of money... well, I don't have to convince YOU, Bayani: I had three sons in five years, breastfed them all, and they're now strapping six-footers (or taller!).

    I am grateful to citizen-journalists such as this blogger and Audrey over at www.palindeception.com for doing the heavy lifting that no so-called MSM (mainstream media) journalist is doing, other than Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  3. She has it better because she has money, rather than most teen mothers who are poor and have no family money or support. That's where that is coming from.

    Nancy Snyderman said that exact thing on the Joke of the Morning when they played a short clip this morning. Isn't it funny, it all comes back to MONEY.

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    So she thinks kids should wait 10 years....like until they are 26 or 28? The she says that's not realistic.....and that abstinence doesn't work for today's teens...and that's when Palin made a "surprise" visit to the camera.

    Had to interrupt her daughter, make sure she didn't say anything about birth control or what to do when teenage impulses overrule political expediency.

    I feel for Bristol...pushed under the bus by her mom..and kept there while 2 generations forget to say they were pregnant, too, also, before they got married.

  5. Anonymous10:36 AM

    And I wonder why Greta didn't ask Palin- when she had the chance- why she announced that Bristol was pregnant to begin with, instead of simply having a press conference with her own medical team- saying these are the people who delivered my baby, etc.

    This would have been timely given Palin's comments about not having her children in the media spotlight (unless she shoves them kicking and screaming onto the stage).

    This is especially pertinent, also, because of her comments about keeping her own pregnancy secret from her kids...but then she tells EVERYONE about Bristol's.

    A little odd...a litle hypocritical...too...you betcha!

  6. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Did anyone else notice that Baby Trigg really looks like Levi? In the one photo of the two of them--Tripp and Trigg (after GVS was saying that Sarah was a young grandma...). Maybe it is a coincidence.

  7. what about GVS saying "i was expecting a different grandma, i was expecting-"

    SP, interrupting- "she's out in the hall."

    does this mean sherry johnston was out in the hall? unless GVS was "expecting" bristol's grandma, sally heath? i would have loved to have SP and sherry on camera together......

  8. Anonymous12:18 PM

    This was the sorriest excuse for journalism I have ever seen. From the premise (Bristol did it on her own), to Greta's questions, to Bristol' lame scripted answers, everything was staged, contrived, and transparent. In the end, Sarah will come to realize that she did way more harm than good by "allowing" her daughter to do this. Yes, I said "allowing" because we all know Granny set this charade up.

    There are so many things wrong with Bristol's answers, and Gryphen you did an excellent job pointing out the discrepancies. Between this and the People mag book, Palin will be toast.

    I do feel sorry for Bristol, but then again not really. No one forced her to go bareback with Levi...go down to that Target your mom got built in Wasilla and get yourself some spermicide and condoms...please. If she wanted to speak to other teens, she would have told them that...get yourself on the pill, ALWAYS use condoms, and don't whore yourself out to every hockey stud in town.

  9. Sarah and now Bristol keep saying Bristol is an advocate.

    Exactly what is she advocating? It's a bummer to get pregnant except when you have five generations of diaper-folding, bottle-fixing relatives nearby? How is she an advocate for abstinence? And she would not speak of birth control. Why? And she was totally vague about getting married... "Eventually..."

    So, she can't advocate for abstinence because it's unrealistic. She can't advocate for planning parenthood because she's not allowed to speak about it. She can't advocate for being an unwed mother because she wishes she'd waited 10 years and gotten married, finished school, had a career.

    So what the blazes is she advocating?

  10. Don't forget, kiddies, that some breast-MILK-feeding mothers pump, then feed their infants mother's milk from a bottle.

    If Bristol is now caring for two infants, that method of feeding would be even more inperative, or the poor girl would get no rest (even with the "Wasilla nanny").

  11. Tripp was born in a hospital, I believe - there is Levi in one of the pics, holding an infant, and he (Levi) has one of tgose hospital identifier bracelets on...

  12. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Sarah Palin is Mommy Dearest. Scaaaaaaaary!

    Gryphen, nice feedback in your post about the interview. You are spot on in all of your observations!

  13. did y'all know that PART TWO of this fiasco is airing on greta's show tonight?

    i had no idea there'd be more! she hits the air in 15 minutes, maybe i'll go pour a drink in honor of the occasion. i can't decide if i can bring myself to watch more faux -what's worse, waiting for the videos to go up and wondering, or watching faux?

  14. I am skipping part 2 tonite.

    My stomach is still queasy from part 1.

  15. Bristol part 2 just went off...it was even worse than than part 1. Wow...it was so unbelievably bad.

  16. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Bristol part 2 with Greta was just that much more obvious that both Sarah and Bristol were lying on just about every question Greta threw out there. They could barely stumble through the lies...Bristol hasn't quite mastered Mother Vader's dark force.

    I knew it was pretty bad when my 15 year old (who is not up to speed with all the issues in the Palin family) said,"This is a lame interview. Why do they seem like they are applauding a teen's pregnancy by having her on tv?"


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